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blood when passing a stool

i went to the doctors a month and half a go because i was noticing blood in the toilet and on the tissue paper when i passed a stool. he checked my back passage for hemroids and couldn't find any. he said i could have hemroids inside. he told me to come back in a month if it continues. but since seeing the doctor it has not been happening that often and i even went like 3 weeks without it happening.but today it has started again and there was quite a lot of blood . i have also been feeling bloated and feeling like my bowel is not fully empty after passing a stool. the doctor said that if i go back, he will send me to see someone where they will put things up my back passage that will hurt and feel uncomfortable. i dont know why he said that. i'm really worried
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Yes the tests are uncomfortable, but you could have abscess or internal hemroids. No waying of knowing until you are examined.

If it is an abscess & you don't get it taken care of there is a chance it will turn into a fistula & then it will be an uphill battle to cure it...

I have dealth with abscess/fistula for now 3 yrs....NOT ANY FUN, so please go get it checked out..
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You have to get it scoped. I thought I had a hemroids, I had the same syptoms and only after a colonostormy. They found a mass above my rectum. So have it check out all the way. Good Luck
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