956292 tn?1334054869

OT- My Beloved Sadie

I wanted to let you know our beloved Sadie passed away today..We had to make the difficult decision of letting her go as she was suffering much more than she would let us know.

We are at peace, somewhat, knowing she is no longer in pain. She was the love of our life and she will be deeply missed. This has been the hardest thing we have had to do.

15 Responses
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dearest jibs,

i am so very and truly sorry for your loss.  sadie was a beautiful girl and i know how much you loved her.  you did the absolute best for her, i know, and i'm sure made the last months of her life as special as possible.

to you and your husband,
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1553845 tn?1313468643
I am so sorry for your loss.  I know how hard this decision is and my heart breaks for you.  I hope that you are feeling better.  Sending you a gentle hug
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956292 tn?1334054869
Thank You Binx and 927,

Your kind words and prayers are so very much felt and appreciated.

As much as it was the right thing for her..the hole in my heart is just tremendous.

This hurts so much.
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428506 tn?1296557399

The hardest part of opening our hears up to our pets is knowing that they may not be in our lives as long as we'd like!  I had to say goodbye to two cats last year but my memories of them still bring me happiness.  I'm sure you did well by Sadie and that you'll always cherish the good times she gave you!
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956292 tn?1334054869
Thank You..I miss her and keep looking for her..I know it will take time..

Bless your little kitties...
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dear jibby,

i watched a wonderful program about dogs on nova last night and thought of you and sadie.  it was all about the intensity of the bond between dogs and people.

you will look for her for a long time, hear her nails clicking on the floor, and weep every time you find one of her hairs.  i still do the same and will never forget the pain of having to take my juno to the vet for the last time.  it was excruciating.

i am so sorry and i wish i could give you a real hug.  alas, my virtual sympathy will have to do...

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1168938 tn?1327154232
Dear Jibs
I am heartbroken for you, it is nearly a year since I lost Dougal and I understand completely what you are feeling at the moment.
Just know in your heart that she was well loved, well cared for and you did your best for her.. Sending you the biggest hug in the world.
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956292 tn?1334054869
Thanks all,

Binx, I probably would have cried even more if I had seen that.
Suz I hope Sadie and Dougal have met...
This has been so horrible..I stayed home today..I started to go to work but turned around and called in sick..

Never mind we had to make the decision to let go, that was hard enough. The doctor on emergemcy was so nice but happened durig the procedure made things worse. They explained they were going to put a cathedar in Sadie's leg and have us step out of the room and we could then return.
Sadie was lying comfy on a blanket on the floor. So we came back in the room and spent some time with her and then the doctor came in to ask if we were ready for the procedure. We said yes as we did not want to prolong this...I could have spent all day and night saying good bye...
As the doc got ready to put the medication in she tiold us to hug her and snuggle her, whatever we wanted to do..so we did..and then she let us know she was administering the medication and all of a sudden I hear her say "She bit me"... I did not even know it happened...I looked at the doc who was stunned and I was trying to find the spot she bit her..then I saw her face begin to bleed..She bit her in the nose..She still needed to finish giving her the med...I was trying to hand the doc tissues for her face..
Me and my husband we balling and Sadie was gone...The doc was shooken up and I felt horrible. I know she was trying to be calm..It was not a puncture wound and I don't know if it was too serious..but it did not help the situation AT ALL...They now have to hold her for testing of rabies before they can release her to be cremated..What a mess

Anyhow..The woman at Angel View Crematory (for pets) was so kind when I called to make arrangements..She actually said that it happens very often that animals bite during this procedure and that it was not just Sadie...which made me feel so much better...It just made the whole experience just more traumatic..

I can not put anything away of Sadie's... I thought she may have gone in her sleep on Friday night but she did not..I have been waking up really early to check on her and she is not there...I can not fall asleep with out her collar and toy I had just bought her the other day.

When we got home from the hospital my hubby had asked what I wanted to do with her bed and I said leave them..I am not ready for this..leave them just where they are...

We tried to go for lunch and try to relax a bit but we both had a hard time..we could not finish our meals and when the waitress asked if we wanted a doggie bag..I balled my eyes out..but hubby said said yes...we always brought her leftovers..why should it be any different...

I am not going to do well with this.....

I know she is in a good place...but I feel so lost and the house is so empty......

Sorry so long. Thanks for ALLLL the hugs

Love you all Jibs
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oh, jenny.

i am so sorry that the procedure was a bit more complex, on top of everything else.  i am glad the lady at the crematorium made you feel better when she told you it wasn't uncommon for dogs to bite during the procedure.  i remember when we took juno in, the sedation wasn't working as they expected.  i'm not going to get into it, but it was not a welcome addition to what was an already incredibly difficult experience.

i think you should hold on to sadie's bed, toys, etc. for as long as you feel the need.  she was part of the family and will always be in your hearts.  you will never forget her, nor do you need to try to.

please take good care of yourself.
again, i am so sorry for your loss.

blessings to you,
much love,
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551343 tn?1506830518
ust this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
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956292 tn?1334054869
Thank You guys...

Maria..that was so touching..and encouraging for me...I know I will see her again and she is warm, comfortable and safe. free to run and play..something she could not do toward the end...

I think you take things for granted even with a pet..the little things..She snored..I miss that..She stared at me when I ate dinner (anything) and would sit quietly and drool until I gave in..I have not been able to eat much since..She followed me around, (when she was well) and got under my feet and trip me..She snorted sometimes like a piggy..all the silly stupid things...I miss.

I got a pretty clothe storage container to fill with all her things as a cardboard box or tote just would not do..It's a memory box of my baby and I have started to fill it with all her favorite things..I will not put it away yet and I am not ready to put everything in it but I have started to go through her things and cherish them...Her beds stay where they are for now... I can still see her little foot prints in the snow and her little tongue marks where she would lick as I think it numbed her mouth but those will be gone soon as it is snowing again here....

She was my baby, she was my life and I can not wait until we see each other again....

Thanks everyone for your support and sympathies..I could not ask for such better friends at a time in need..

I will get through this..one day at a time. but for now..I still need to cry..just a little more for her
Love Jibs
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551343 tn?1506830518
Sorry i struggled to write yesterday so copied that over for you to have some peace.

Some people who do not have dogs or pets have no idea the bond we form with them. Its true love. The love us unconditionally.

I had my lovely ben cremated and still have his ashes, and a photo right by where his bed was kept. Even after nearly 2 years I can still hear him going through the dog flap and walking his route around the garden. He was an amazing dog. Now I have Lucy who came to me as a puppy 3 years ago to give ben companionship and now she is such a huge part of mine and mikes lives. When I read sad storys about you and Sadie I wish sometimes i had not got her as the pain is just too unbearable when you love so much.

My husband loves Lucy more then me I am sure of t lol.

Anyway Jibs Sadie will always be with you. You just need to take a time at a time, and things will get easier but she will be there with you.

Like I say I swear I can hear ben twanging out the dog flap.

xxxxxxx Sadie was a very lucky poochy to have you both as parents. A lot of dogs just end up being tied in the back yard ... your little dog knew how much she was loved.xxx
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1168938 tn?1327154232
Hi Jibs
I too hope Sadie and Dougal are together playing in the meadows of rainbow bridge. I read your post earlier where you mentioned footprints in the snow and the fact that it was snowing, I then went to facebook and I was shuffling through status shuffle and the first one said...
Snowflakes are kisses coming from heaven from the ones we have loved and lost...
Now when I was here earlier I couldn't think of anything appropriate to say to you so I logged out and 2 minutes later that came up on facebook, I just had to come back and let you know. I think there's a message there for you...go outside and kiss a few snowflakes.
I still get upset over Dougal after all this time, he was my baby and like you, I miss his snoring,tripping up over him and not being able to get comfy on the sofa coz he wanted to sit in my lap. It does ease but never leaves you.
Suz xxxxx
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956292 tn?1334054869
oh that is too sweet...Thank you...you guys have been so great..i know this post was way off topic for this forum..I appreciate everyone letting me do this...bring this here..I share so much about my physical self to everyone here it is hard not to share the emotional stuff even if it is not pertaining to my "physical" issues...

I guess my Miss Sadie was sending me kisses from above ;o) I love it

Thanks so much...
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1168938 tn?1327154232
Hi Jibs

To me this is more than a site for people with medical issues, it is a place to share ups and downs, whether they be health related or family related...Sadie's family right x

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