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Can someone help me with this?

Ive recently had 2 mris. The first of my brain which spotted an enlarged pituitary gland and another one with contrast on my pituitary gland which spotted no tumours, just that it is enlarged.

Can someone please tell me if any tumours elsewhere such as adrenal gland would cause an enlarged pituitary. Ive felt so bad for so long now. The doctors havent tested my cortisol level only my glucose which came out normal and my thyroid which was very slightly under but it isnt classed as abnormal.

Could this be something serious such as cancer?im so confused as to why my gland is bugger but no tumours are there.
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First, I can tell you (and you can also do the research) that pituitary tumors are very rarely cancer - the odds being very remote like 99.9% benign.

As for the changes in size, that does happen. If you are at a proper pituitary center and had a dynamic pituitary MRI (with and without contrast, where the contrast uptake was recorded) it can help figure out the size more consistently.

MRIs have different slices - some are 3mm, some are 5mm, so if your tumor is near or in a slice, well a smaller/smallish tumor can look radically different! I would get a copy of your report (sound like you have it) and look at the slices, and if the machine was 1.5T or 3T, and if you had a dynamic pituitary MRI.

If your doc has not checked cortisol, odds are they have not checked most of your other pituitary hormones. They all need to be checked, 8am fasting, and a whole host of other testing like 24 hour urine tests and all sorts of other things that I would love to forget... but still have to do from time to time.

I had Cushing's myself. BTW low TSH (which is really hypo... so freaking confusing!) can indicate central hypothyroidism!

As for if an adrenal tumor can be linked to the pituitary... yes. Many of the people in our community get diagnosed and have an adrenal removed only to find it was really the pituitary that was the issue. Pituitary Cushing's (disease) often makes the adrenals enlarge and have nodules,  and it can be hard to see on imaging so it may or may not be bilateral (my imaging, pre and post removal often comes out normal).

You need a pituitary center.
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if there was a tumour in my pituitary gland they would have spotted it though as they did one of just the pituiatry with contrast..
the doctor also checked my prolactin which was normal so only cortisol wasnt tested.

its not a cancerous tumour of the pituitary gland that im worried about as ive been cleafred of that as no tumour was found just enlargement. its more tumours of the adrenal glands that im scared about as some are cancer and especially in teens are were carcinomas occur.

the doctor was also comtemplating on wether to send me to an endocrinologist as he says there may be no point. but i really hope they do so they do not miss anything out!.
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Enlargements of the pituitary can (and often are) tumors that are not seen well on MRIs.

Your doctor should send you on to an endocrinologist. Simply doing a prolactin test is not complete enough - and there are way more hormones that the adrenal gland puts out that can also be tested as well.

Mine are removed. I replace aldosterone, DHEA and cortisol. Sodium and potassium are very important tests for me. I just hope you get a good endo. It helps to get copies of the tests, and to test at 8am, fasting.
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Can there be an enlargement and no tumour though? Since i had constrast and a close up sirely if wouldve seen a tumour!

I do have symptoms of cushings such as ; round face, fatty lump on back of neck, weight gain, weakness,fatigue. Which now is making me wonder wether there is a tumour on my adrenal glands that is cancerous.
I too hope they send me to an endo because i cannot carry on feeling like this. It is ruining my life because of the worry and not feeling great.
Ive even started feeling a swelling feeling in my upper left abdomen which im no worrying it is a tumour which is growing amd spreading to my lungs.

What are other causes for enlargement of the gland? Can it be caused bu tumours in the other gland creating a hormonal inblance. Im so scared!!!
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I was not trying to scare you, sorry, but merely get you to find a second opinion.

Cushing's - even adrenal - is not usually caused by cancer.

I had one of my tumors hide for 12 years despite annual MRIs and it only showed up with a pituitary MRI - a dynamic MRI or maybe just luck. I know, since it was right before surgery, that it was my prolactinoma and I had the symptoms of that 12 years before. I also had Cushing's and that one was on the other side and could not be seen on that last MRI, but was seen on the other MRIs, changing size every time.

These lesions are tiny and the imaging cuts off 3-5mm, so it is not perfect and the people reading them are not either. Typically surgeons do a lot better.

It is also better to get a testing as that is much more indicative of if there is a real issue or not.
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I have an appointment with an endo on the 19th of this month.
Im still freaking about cancer, and its all i can think about. Its ruining my relationship as i have tried to break up woth my bf becaise the fear has gotten so bad. My mum is annoyed with me.

I know that cancer is rare but it has to happen to somebody, and im terrified as i know the survival rate is extremely low
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Some fear is normal - it is new, it is unknown.

However, if your fear is super high, I suggest you get some counseling so you can reduce your fear. I would speak frankly with your mom about your fear.

I would suggest staying off the internet and stop searching for information as you can go crazy unless you have testing to support a specific search that can narrow the parameters AND you can know how to limit your search to reputable sites.

Yes... cancer does happen but your symptoms seem to be consistent with a benign pituitary tumor and the anxiety that can happen with that (it can also be a symptom - double whammy!).

I suggest you do all you can to reduce your anxiety, and hopefully you find a good endo who will test you properly and get you on the road to recovery.
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The doctors have already ruled out a pituitary tumour by doing scans. They wouldve seen it if it was there.

I already have therapy too which helps short term but all she says try and not google. And makes me do the fors and against me having a serious illness . And then tells me not to google for a day or something.
I cant tak to my mum either because she gets really mad and then i end up having an huge anger attack. She just doesnt understand how i feel about this and i feel as though im not getting any mental support from her. She attends my appointments with me, but the shouts at me for worrying and for trying to get more tests .
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I can relate to the family issue... it is hard when you are scared and family does not understand that you are scared.

Let me explain something... it is very true here as well. When you find a patient forum or patients together, you have to know that all the stories are somewhat skewed. It makes things always seem so much worse as only the worried and truly sick are out looking for answers as the well people and the well treated (those that find the rare marvelous doctor right off the bat!) don't need to hunt around so it can make it look an awful lot like things are horrible out there. You have to step back and realize that it is not so... it is kind of like the news that  only reports the bad stuff and bad weather - but heck, most days are pretty dang pleasant!

I know in my own case, I am not a typical example and I know patients who have done super well and not so well.

I can only tell you that the odds are really against you having a serious illness. You must find a way to distract yourself or your quality of life will suffer.
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Trying to break down your issues into manageable bits: you feel ill, enlarged pituitary gland on 2 MRIs and feeling very scared about possibly having a serious illness? Since I am not a dr. I can only give you my perspective from my experience as a patient, as a mom and as an nervous-type, anxious person.

#1. Feeling ill all the time.
It *****. Try listing all your symptoms on paper. Then go through the list and cross off the vague ones that could be caused by normal circumstance. Rank the 5 most bothersome issues and discuss them with your dr/therapist/mom. Issues stemming from the pituitary gland cause specific hormone imbalances that can be detected by blood/other tests. These results would determine if you have suspected tumor and what variety it might be.

#2. Dynamic pituitary MRIs shows enlarged Pituitary gland, no tumor.
From personal experience, my own MRIs showed one tumor that sat upon a bed of "cystic matter." I had surgery in Dec 2014 and surgeon removed two identical pituitary tumors 4x9mm each. No cystic matter! MRIs are not perfect photographic representations, only suggestions of what may lay inside. I hope you have an endocrinologist that specializes in pituitary issues. Not all drs are created equal. At the very least, you should continue to monitor your pituitary gland for changes on a regular schedule set by a knowledgeable dr. Sometimes pituitary issues take years for a proper diagnosis as the gland changes happen very slowly in some people. Blood tests that reveal hormonal issues that cause symptoms can be addressed with meds once they reach a certain level. Unfortunately, sometimes its just a waiting game of feeling ****** until you either start feeling better or symptoms increase, which brings us around to your last issue.

#3. Feeling very scared that you might have a serious underlaying illness.
Well of course you feel this way initially. It's human nature. But here's where you can really dig in and change your situation (especially when you feel let down by others to help you figure this all out.) Ultimately, you control your immediate feelings. You decide if its gonna be a bad day or a good one. You set your limits and boundaries. No one can make you feel anything, YOU make you feel everything. Don't allow illness access to your mind. It's bad enough it can take control of the body, but you save that brain space for happy you! It's a tall order, I know, especially on days you can't get out of bed, but fight for that emotional space, to do with as YOU please. I used to get really bad headaches and I'd lay in bed and it would hurt. I also tried sitting outside and I still had a bad headache, but I was outside- seeing things, feeling the wind on my face- not sleeping, half watching tv or staring at the walls in agony. Even if you have to curtail normal activities, keep the mind space clear. Meditate, DEFINITELY limit internet searches for medical issues, listen to books on tape. If you read the back pages here, you'll find other posts with ideas to keep your spirits up. No one knows you better than yourself. Limit the triggers that spiral your worry out of control. Someone once told me that the best way to feel better within yourself is to help another person. Being of service to someone else even in the tiniest way washes the brain in feelings of accomplishment, empathy, love and gratuity. It also takes your mind off yourself. Good Luck in your journey, people care about you and be nice to yourself!
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I found a lot of good coping skills in this article. Not saying you are one, but it is always helpful to take in others experience to help us along our own life journeys.

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sorry article starts here

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I went to the endo, and he said there is only a very slight enlargement tha i shouldnt be worried about. He said he will monitor me and i have an appointment on the 30th april to see him again.
Whilst inwas there he also did blood tests for thyroid, u&e which im guessing is kidneys, calcium, full blood count.. And a few more i think. After two weeks i still have no results of these tests. That day my blood pressure was 130 something over 60 something which is prehypertension i believe? But i think i was anxious that day.

I cant get adrenal cancer out of my head and i still feel crap all the time.. Well some moments better than others.
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Adrenal cancer is super rare.

That being said... nothing you have said symptom-wise leads me to worry about cancer. Anxiety can really take over - you really need to get it under control.

Get copies of the tests. If they are normal, you are fine.
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But what i keep thinking is that adrenal cancer is bery hard to spot which i read on google. Even though it effects 1 or 2 per million, im still terrified of it. I havent even mentioned it to the endo bc im worried about what he will think.  
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If your doctor suspected, then they would run more tests.

Thankfully, blood pressure, sodium and potassium  would be abnormal if there is an issue with the adrenals. Cancer is the least of the worries. I know hundreds of people with adrenal issues. None had cancer.

I think you really need to get the anxiety under control.
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One good way to lose the respect of a busy endocrinologist is to bombard him/her with a long list of anxiety-driven complaints. I know because I've done it myself. I'm not a bad person and neither are you, but when we let anxiety drive our quest to figure out our medical problems, even the best doctors tune out and diagnose us hypochondriacs. At some point, you have to trust in the tests you take and the folks who interpret them. Not to say you aren't your own best advocate, if you feel something isn't adding up or the doc isn't right for you, move on, but don't be a dr shopper either. Its a fine line. Good luck.
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Okay, my blood pressure when I went was 130 something over 60. Which i was worried about but it could've been due to being anxious. Also another time I went to the hospital bc of a different fear my bp was high so they had to do a heart scan thing ( can't remember what it's called) . I still haven't heard from the blood tests, so im im a situation where im either wanting to ring to find out or leaving it incase there is a problem with them.
I have been to the doctors so many times and told my mum I have so many different illnesses (brain cancer, Als,heart attack, stroke, aneurysm) that she is fed up and will only accept the given appointments such as the one on the 30th with the endo.

This past couples of days have been so bad with anxiety as I keep thinking about adrenal Cancer and what will happen when im diagnosed. I was being horrible to my bf because im scared of leaving him and I can't sleep very well., however I still manage to go jogging and exercise .
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I don't know how old you are but my sense is that you are young since your mom is still going with you to appointments.

The odds of any of those disorders is very remote.

You really need counseling more than more testing.
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Im 16. 17 next week. I do Infact have therapy, it has helped a little, but not much.
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Just an update of on the situation.
I had an endo appointment yesterday who has diagnosed me with hashimotos which I am being treated for. He said it's something to do with my antibodies attacking my thyroid which my thyroid can't keep up so eventually it will just fail on me meaning that I have to be on medication for the rest of my life. now I know; hopefully I can move on from all of this and enjoy life instead of worrying about illnesses all the time!
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