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chills and viruses

i have benign essential tremor and myoclonic jerk I take propananol levetiracetam
and simvastatin for cholesterol,i have read that levetiracetam can cause viruses
and consequently chills at times sometimes feel feverish but with body temp at 97.5
or there abouts these do not occur at night for me but during day I need the medication
to control tremor and jerk and the simvastatin is the only staten that has really
controlled by cholesterol can also run somewhat low blood platelets at times do
I just suffer thru these other symptons to control the other

This discussion is related to What can cause a cold chill in one area of the back?.
18 Responses
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Try "Nature's Way" as they do the Dr. Mosquelier process for extracting grape seed extract. It works better than others.
Its actually called Tru OPC's "Proanthocyanadin"
This takes time to work..

Spurs are also caused by too much Calcium..
Take note of how much calcium you are taking.. But once you start on Magnesium, it will help undo whatever harm taking calcium/ Vit D without Mg > has done to your body .. ie bone spurs, calcification in the joints, teeth, brain, and who knows wherever else calcification can happen.
As far as your question:.
ICU means Intensive Care, MICU, Medical Intensive Care
SICU   Surgical Intensive care
CCU  Cardiovascular Intensive  Care or Coronary Care.
NICU  Newborn Intensive Care
And yes, My experiences covers all of the above x 38 years :).

TTYL  means talk to you later..  :)
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Thanks for clearing that up toourlady98.

I looked up what GSE meant on the web and Grapefruit Seed Extract came up.  

I will have to try the Grape Seed extract to see if that can get rid of my bone spur on my knee.
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Hi Jemma, this is grape seed,
not grapefruit which everybody gets confused about..
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Doesn't Grapefruit Seed Extract need to be avoided when taking certain medications?

I do know that some medications cannot be taken with grapefruit.
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I am glad you're getting Magnesium. Did you read the Ebook? Its a very informative concise info on Mg. You'll be amazed what ALL it can help you with.. I love GSE, but Magnesium is even more.  I take both .

I believe it what you said about GSE, I used to do the multi level sales on it and attended conventions where people including me shared what GSE has done for them. It could also shrink cysts, improve vision, relieve pain, keep skin taut and young looking, help with skin diseases, etc.
I take the ones with Dr. Mosquelier name.
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     I enjoyed reading all the information you posted on Mg. as well.  Thank you.  I will have to wait until next month to get the Mg. Glycinate - I am on a fixed income.
     I had a friend who had a bone spur in his neck so big that it was heading for his esophagus/windpipe.  He started taking OPC 3 (Grapeseed extract concentrate) and within a year that spur had gotten so small that the doctors were amazed.  They had been talking surgery.  
     So, of course, I had to try the Grapeseed extract for the spurs on my heels.  Glad to say they are gone and haven't come back - over 13 years ago!
     I continue to take Grapeseed extract just because I know it helps arthritis.
     I am anxious to try the Mg.  Clycinate this next month.  
         Wishing you the best - and thanks again!
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Here' s Dr Carolyn's Ebook on Magnesium Deficiency
I have read too that people with gout when taking Mg, does not get gout attacks, gout is a form of arthritis, so Mg should help with arthritis as well.
Are you taking extra Vit D ? Jointace says it has 800 IU, I take 2000 IU Vit D a day but only after my levels were found low at 17, and I had taken the Rx for 50,000 IU a week for so many weeks till normal levels. That relieved my body aches :) Fibromyalgia as being the diagnosis for all undiagnosed body pains..

I am a Magnesium believer after reading "the Magnesium Miracle" and Transdermal Magnesium" I advise all my friends and family to take Magnesium. Our diet is so poor in Nutrients, stripped and ladened with pesticides that we could no longer rely on food alone to supplement our need for Vits and Minerals..Magnesium will help you. Read the books and it will get your health back.I see you had to retire early for illness. I carry my Mg spray with me and use it as needed. I also share it with friends around me.
Take care ..
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HI again. Tinnitus , I just googled is also related to Mg deficiency. I will post for you the Ebook of Dr Carolyn Dean re Mg Deficiency as Mg is involved in 325 body enzyme processes that lack of it causes hundreds of symptoms usually undiagnosed..

In addition, my brod in law since he was a child had ringing in the ear from a swimming pool accident. He was taking grape seed extract as anti oxidant and was pleasantly surprised that his tinnitus went away. Its all gone.  It takes time, but Grape seed extract used to be sold only thru multi level marketing. Its now in regular stores. Its on the book "Miracle Cures" , Dr. Mosquelier from France patented it and he won a Nobel prize for GSE. There is a book on all its cures. Helps in arthritis as well. I have been on it since the 80's. It helps to age gracefully.

For arthritis, I also found this natural cure.. I think it helps some people and I read a few on Earth Clinic who swears by it.

Apple cider vinegar has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and many people swear by its ability to relieve the pain of arthritis. Church organist Sarah Gall of Richdale, U.K., was so crippled by arthritis she was going to have to give up her music. Conventional medicines, which included anti-inflammatory drugs, did little to dull the pain and made her sick. "I was in agony," she told the Daily Mail. In desperation, she began mixing cider vinegar with honey and hot water. After only a week, she began feeling better and says her arthritis disappeared. "My doctor was flabbergasted," she said. Experts speculate that vinegar counters the acid that builds up in joints, and can also help prevent outbreaks of gout, a form of arthritis, by removing uric acid deposits from joints.

Postural hypertension ? You BP goes up when you are standing ? Or does it go down ?
I have to be away for the moment..
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Thank you for sharing all your experience and knowledge regarding magnesium.  

I shall buy the ones you suggest.  I too suffer with body pains all over due to my arthritic problems.  There is no cure for muscular skeletal problems and tinnitus and postural hypertension, but anything that helps to have a better life style (without causing further damage) is worth a try.

I have used Celadrin, Litozin and cherries for the inflammation, these help somewhat but are expensive.

The Nutritional information with regard to 2 tablets (daily dose recommended) of Jointace Original high strength is:-

Glucosamine Sulphate fKCI 1000mg
Chondroitin Sulphate 400mg
Vitamin D (as D3 800 IU) 20ug
Vitamin E 40mg
Vitamin C 60mg
Folacin (Folic Acid) 400ug
Vitamin B12 20ug
Zinc 10mg
Copper 1000ug
Manganese 4mg
Selenium 120ug
Ginger Root Extract equivant to 80mg

ug = microgram

They are expensive to buy too, I purchased them because they were on offer :)

I had been taking Enzyme Q10 and other supplements, but stopped taking them because I did not feel any benefit.  My doctor said that they won't help, and he was right.  But we have to keep trying to find what helps us.

Best wishes.
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HI Jemma, taking the wrong kind of Magnesium is not gonna help you any. It will only prolong your situation. In US I pay $4.00 for a bottle of Mg Glycinate 90 caps. This is 1 month supply. That's not much at all especially for the health benefit you will experience.

You could keep your Mg Oxide  in your medicine cabinet for different use. Mg Oxide is helpful for constipation its the kind of Mg that does not stay in the system. Approximate 10 % of it will be kept by the body, and the rest will go out with loose stools. .Magnesium Carbonate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate are fillers and are actually non desirable for the body.

Magnesium Glycinate will also help in arthritis. There is no overdosing in Mg. Your body will only absorb what your it needs. It is safe up to 6 mg per body weight in kg. If you are getting too much, the body will get rid of it through the stools. I do take 2 tabs Mg Chloride with each meal for acidic stomach, 3 caps Mg L Threonate for memory. That's 330 mg Elemental Mg, plus Mg Spray as I need it for body aches.

Mg Glycinate has 133 mg Elemental Mg per cap, the bottle says to take 3 a day. Combo of pills and spray can be safe up to 1000 mg accdg. to Dr. Mark Sircus "Transdermal Magnesium" book.

Jointace  - I looked it up but it does not say how much of the Vitamins and minerals are contained. They usually include minimal amounts, not enough to cause any Mg overdose.
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I borrowed this clip from a Magnesium Website. I think it could help you in your situation: This is the same point I am trying to convey.

April 23, 2013
I am so thankful that naturopaths are able to open up and be honest about mineral deficiencies. For more than 30 years (since the birth of my eldest child) doctors have kept me on high dosages of inderal to prevent anxiety and migraines. Now, 30 years later, I went from 127 lbs. to 200 lbs. (a side effect of the medication) have developed fluid around my ankles and abdomen, have no energy, and still have tension headaches. I did my research to find natural remedies for anxiety and got over 30 interesting hits on magnesium. I rushed to the local supermarket and picked up a bottle. I feel better than if I had take two 40 mg tablets of my medication. Sadly, My doctors over the years have never suggested that I stop taking inderal which was creating the potential for serious health issues. I would love to involve myself in a support group for this wonderful mineral. I know that exercise, a sensible diet, rest, and the right supplements are key to losing this exorbitant amount of weight. Drastic weight loss surgery is no longer an answer for me. I have found my answer. When I am successful with the weight loss, I will write a book journaling my experiences.

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4851940 tn?1515694593
Hi tourlady89
Thank you for the information and advice.  Much appreciated.

The ingredients in the tablets I have are Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Carbonate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate.  Doesn't have the ingredients you mentioned.  As I don't want to waste what I have, when I have finished the bottle, I will bear in mind to get the ones your recommend.  The dosage in each tablet is 300mg, so I presume the other 20mg would be gotten from eating foods.

Because my arthritis has got worse (again) I have also started a few days a ago Jointace Original high strength with chondroitin, glucosamine which also contains Vits D3, C, B12, minerals and ginger extract as well as Magnesium.  Have only just read the ingredients after I took the Magnesium tablet, hope I haven't overdosed?  Also contains B12 and I have some sublingual nuggets that I have been taking, so don't know if I should take these now or not.  

Best wishes
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The Magnesium in combined Calcium Mg pills are never enough. So you need to take additional Mg in the form of Mg Glycinate ot Taurate  will help your nerves, the myoclonic jerking and spasms. You need your MD to OK it since you are on so many meds which I am hoping some of it you will no longer need when your Mg is built back up to normal.
Also check Ferritin, Vit D and Thyroid levels, They can check your blood for Mg but blood level is not a true picture.
You have been on so many meds thru the years, taking these meds alone uses up our Mg stores, down to depletion. It needs daily replacement. Accdg. to literature, anything lower than 320 mg a day is not adequate.
I wish you well.
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HI Jemma, For being jumpy and sensitivity to loud noise, yes, the pills will help. Hope you have the right kind cause Mg Oxide is NOT. Please double check your bottle.
The right ones : > Mg Glycinate and Mg Taurate are some of the best absorbable forms of Mg. The bottle says to take 3 a day. It could also safely be taken as much as 4 to 6 mg per kg. It takes 6 months to a year before Mg level is built back to normal, so the use of Mg transdermal speeds up the process. Mg Oil spray works instantly for muscle aches and pains. I used it frequently at the start, and then daily and as needed after 6 months.
Sometimes my arm or leg would be aching and I do all kinds of massage, chair massage, then I remembered  the spray .. it worked, I forget sometimes.
Magnesium will also help the bones.Helps Osteoporosis.
Check You tube for Mg Deficiency.
The correct dose is important as well as daily intake.
It is to be taken with vit D as vit D will push it into the cells.
Give Mg another try, hope it gets you better this time.
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thanks for input,i have been on the tremor medications for some time,i muscle challenged for virus when i was cold,take viral immune homepathic meds am going to have dr. check me for the magnesis,it is included in my calcium but whether it is enough to help the stress etc we will see,my tremors are under control,it is the myoclonic jerk that is acting up,i didnt have luck controlling cholesterol on just diet and exercise the simvastin was the only one that ever did,i have yearly exams with the needed tests, i had rectal cancer in 1999 so i have required colonoscopies that have remained clear,my dr. had referred me to a nuerologist 3 years ago as he didnt really know what to do as far as medication had taken primidone along with propanolol before it was replaced with levetiracetam which takes care of tremors but doesent completely take care of the jerks,feel if stress was more controlled the jerks would be too working on that
my chiropractor is a chiropractor internest only one of 256 in the nation feel he is very good so will continue to work with him
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Propananol is used for stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, tremor, essential tremor, heart palpitations.

Levetiracetam is used to treat seizures.

If you experienced the chills these may be due to the medication if they began soon after you started taking your medication.  Otherwise it is likely that you may have picked up a virus.

Simvastatin is well documented for having adverse side effects and can cause damage to nerves.  It can also worsen symptoms of dementia and Altzheimers.  My next door neighbour had to stop taking it because it made him so ill.  There was a TV programme in the UK on people who have had bad reactions to it.  High cholesterol can be controlled through diet and exercise.

You should speak with your doctor regarding your symptoms to find out whether the symptoms you have are as a consequence of taking the medication.  If the doctor feels it is, he may change your medication.

Because you on those medications, It is also important to have a yearly blood test carried out to check your liver and kidney function.

Make sure that you drink plenty of fluids so as not to get dehydrated.

Best wishes.
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Thanks for the brilliant information on magnesium.
Would the magnesium tablets be as affective as the soluble magnesium?
I have a lot of muscle and bone problems as well as sensitivity to loud noise (yet I can't hear properly due to congestion and loss of higher pitch).
Have always been very jumpy due to sudden noises.

I have the 300mg one a day tablets, but haven't had any for a few months.

Best wishes.
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Hi, I am sure you have been searching for answers to your problem for so long. So many prescription for your symptoms.  I would like to help you direct your search to Magnesium Deficiency. Lack of Mg causes essential tremors, tics, jerks, etc. So Magnesium could help your symptoms  instead, hope you could get weaned off of your Meds.

Magnesium is essential to 300 body enzyme processes that lack of it manifests in hundreds of symptoms including yours.

Here's from one search: Magnesium Tics and tremors.
Muscle Function & Disorders

Muscles  need both calcium and magnesium to function. Calcium tenses the muscles; magnesium relaxes the muscles. Close your fist and clench it tight: that is calcium which permits the tensing of the muscle. Now open and relax your fist: that is magnesium which permits the relaxing of the muscle. All muscle action is that of tensing and relaxing and of gradients in between each extreme.

Therefore, tense, tight muscles tell you what? That's right, there is a magnesium deficiency. There is not enough magnesium in the system to cause the tense muscles to relax. Supply the needed magnesium and the muscle will function as it should. It will stay relaxed until it needs to function again.

Muscle spasms, muscle cramps, muscle jerks, muscle tics, eye tics and hiccups are all caused by a magnesium deficiency. Take sufficient water-soluble magnesium and they will disappear. It is not calcium that handles these difficulties, it is magnesium. Calcium is causing the difficulties.

Have you ever known anyone with tense back muscles? Probably their back was continually aching and in pain, because the tense muscles will pull the bones out of place. Handle the magnesium deficiency and the muscles will relax, the bones will go back into place and the pain will disappear.

Nervousness & Nervous System Disorders

Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Without sufficient magnesium the nerve cells cannot give or receive messages and become excitable and highly reactive. This causes the person to become extremely sensitive and nervous. Lights can appear to be too bright. Noises will seem excessively loud and the person will jump at sudden sounds like a door slamming and will generally be on edge. Even slight noises can seem loud. Do you know someone who can't stand noise? Get them a glass of the magnesium drink and see the difference.

Nervousness is often caused only by a deficiency of magnesium. Handle the deficiency and in many cases the nervousness will disappear.
Mg Glycinate is one of the best absorbable form of Mg. The bottle says how much to take. It could also safely taken as much as 4 to 6 mg per kg.
Please search more on google and  also on You Tube. Possible side effect would be diarrhea but Glycinate will not cause this. Mg can not be taken by Kidney failure pts.

"The Magnesium Miracle"  book is an excellent source. You will learn the whys and hows of Mg Deficiency.
Hoping that Mg could control your symptoms instead of all these other RX.
It would take time to work. You also need you Doctors permission to take Mg. He has to be aware.

Being on medications uses up Mg stores, as well as the stresses of day by day. Our Mg  gets depleted and needs to be replenished every day.

As far as the chills, low temp. it could be side effect of the many pills you are on. Here are the possibilities:
Low temp could be caused by low Iron . If you get low on platelets, you could also get low on iron.
Ask to have your
1) Ferritin levels  checked,  
2) Vit.D if you haven't yet. Most everyone is low on Vit D.
3) Thyroid panel.. low temp and chills could  be caused by thyroid issues.

Magnesium blood levels does not show a true picture of Mg stores.
Actually, at your age, all these tests needs to be included in your regular checkup. Your MD should be OK to do these if you request  them.

Hope you get better. I hope you try Magnesium. Its healthier . Its a mineral that we all need since our food is no longer nutrient rich. Mg almost always need to be supplemented.

Take care.. Keep us updated when you can..
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