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blood and puss filled bumps around the vaginal area

Dr. Who ever
For a couple of years i have experienced blood and puss filled bumps in my pubic hairs. Sometimes I bust them and sometimes they hurt too bad to bust but they continue to bleed.They don't bleed badly but usually leaves blood and puss spots in my under wear. They disappear and return frequently. Recently I noticed the top of my pubic hair changed colors.(a greenish gold looking color.)I've had this problem before I lost my virginity so I don't think its an std maybe it could be can you please help me or is their any body out there experiencing the same problems as me. If so please help!!!!
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1355431 tn?1369975306
sound like you have some ingrown hairs that are geting infected in the hair folicle. Bacteria cause infection keep the area very clean and don't try to pop them. Instead go to a beauty supply store , go to the mens facial care area and you will find many different products for ingrown hair bumps. My husband also get theese and the topical ointment took care of it. Oh yeah its called Skin tight. Its in a clear bottle with blue writing. It only cost about 11 dollars and it really worked for him. Hope this helps :)
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i have this bump close to the opening of my vagina not on the skin by the hair but in the vagina. It is painful where i cannot walk or hurts to walk the first time the doctor had to remove it with a needle he said it is normal. then after that it would come back again and again in the same spot its visible and  now bursts on its own puss and blood comes out when i become active or sit and apply pressure. It is smelly. I havent went to the doctor as yet again, should i go again??
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Boils, aka furuncles, are very common puss filled red bumps that form on your skin. These painful, tender, swollen skin conditions are often caused by a bacterial infected hair follicle. And it’s damage to a hair follicle that allow germs causing infection to gain entry under your skin.
Generally, boils appear suddenly and as they fill with pus their swelling causes you increasing pain and tenderness. Eventually, your boil caused red bump develops a white tip for draining. In some cases, boil’s pus filled bumps may swell fairly large before they rupture.
Should a cluster of hair follicles become infected, then this skin condition is referred to as a carbuncle.
Boils and carbuncles are usually caused by a staph infection, which is the same bacterium that causes infectious diseases like pneumonia, meningitis, urinary tract infections and endocarditis. Yet, other bacteria or fungi that naturally dwell on your skin can be the red, swollen bump instigator.
Boils and carbuncle tender bumps can swell up anywhere, but typically these pus filled skin infections appear in high sweat or friction areas. Common locations are your face, neck, shoulder, armpits, buttocks or thighs.
Boils look similar to the tender lumps caused by cystic acne. But a boil is usually redder and more painful.
If the infection causing your boil or carbuncle spreads, then you may experience symptoms of:
• fever
• chills
• swollen lymph nodes
• red lines running outward from pus filled bump
Rarely, boils or carbuncles cause some very serious complications, like:
• shock
• sepsis
All of which require emergency health care treatment.
Risk of developing a boil or carbuncle can increase if you:
• have diabetes
• compromised immune system for any reason
• live with someone who has a boil or carbuncle
• are in close contact with another who has a staph infection
• other skin conditions because of protective skin barrier damage
Boils typically resolve on their own within a couple of weeks, without scarring. A carbuncle causes a deeper, more painful infection, so it’ll heal slower and will likely leave a scar.
For quicker pain and tenderness relief treatment, you can apply warm salt water compresses to your tender, red, swollen bump several times a day. This draws your carbuncle or boil pus to a head for draining. Then apply OTC antibiotic ointment for fast bacterial skin infection healing.
Some herbal relief treatments that you can apply topically to fight your skin infection are:
• sage
• lavender
• bergamot
• tea tree oil
• chamomile
Relief treatment may require a trip to your health care provider if your boil or carbuncle:
• causes a fever
• recur frequently
• is on your spine
• lasts a long time
• extremely painful
• pus filled lesion is deep or large
• you have symptoms indicating your infection has spread
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According MayoClinic.com, boils are irritated, painful pus-filled bumps that occur when hair follicles are inflamed and infected with bacteria. Boils are usually treated by draining them or antibiotics, and in some cases, a combination of both. However, boils that have been drained can sometimes leave small scars after they heal. Luckily, there are some natural treatments that can help to get rid of these scars over a fairly short period of time according to Susan E. Worwood, author of "Essential Aromatherapy: A Pocket Guide to Essential Oils and Aromatherapy."
Step 1
Combine Roman chamomile essential oil, galbanum essential oil, spike lavender essential oil, clary sage essential oil, tea tree essential oil, thyme essential oil and olive oil in a small jar with a tight-fitting top.
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Step 2
Cover the jar and shake it combine the essential oils and olive oil.
Step 3
Pour a small amount of the essential oil mixture onto your clean fingertips. Gently massage the oil onto the area of skin being treated. Leave the oil on the skin 40 to 45 minutes after massaging it in.
Step 4
Rinse your skin with cool, clean water. Wash with a very gentle facial cleanser and apply a regular moisturizer to the area.
Step 5
Use this treatment two times per day after waking up and before going to bed. Stop using the essential oil mixture if it makes your skin red, itchy or swollen.
Step 6
Store unused portions of the essential oil mixture in a cool, dark and dry place, and always make sure the jar is tightly-covered to prevent evaporation. Discard the mixture after 90 days.
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If you don't shave and you have hair down below it is very comon for the hair to just get irritated (underwear rubbing, friction, sweat, etc.) which can cause a bump, that bump is the build up of pressure of pus/infection. Don't worry too much because this is very common and usually is not an std. However to be safe, get it checked out when you can. This btw is both common in men and women, i have had three occur in the past 5 years and i'm 20, usually they are on my bikini line/lip and yes they do hurt and can sometimes get quite big i've had them checked out each time and the doc always says it's an ingrown hair/irritaed hair. So hope this helped yall. Want treatment, ask a doctor.
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3158350 tn?1343597590
Sounds like folliculitis, (spelling?  Sorry!) i knew someone who had this in the vaginal region, at first it was pus filled lumps on hair follicles then it turned into a really bad rash, with dry peeling skin.  she went to docs and found out it was folliculitis and is now on steroid cream and anti biotics and told under any circumstances to not shave as this causes the hairs to become ingrown and cause problem.  Hope this helps
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hi, i'm a sixteen year old girl and i also suffer with this condition. i've had it for many years now and have discovered that shaving your vaginal area actually helps because you will have the ability to see the bump clearly and can then take a tweezer to pull the hair out of the irritated follicle, i know it sounds really gross and difficult, but it will help the bumps minimize in size and reoccurance. also if you take a mixture of alcohol and and hydrogen peroxide and rub it over the affected area everyday the bumps do seem to disappear, making you more confident if and when you are ready to have sex.
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i have the same thing going on with me but im going to search more stuff then let you know
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3135284 tn?1342649499
im having this problem too and i really dont like and i know it isnt std but i really dont like it but i shave in my vaginal area becuz i feel like the hair is not normal and not human like i am 13 years old and this has been happening to me ever since i was 12 years and i hate it when it happens its really embarissing and i hate it  get it often though and its hard for me in class not to scratch it but for now im going to stop shaving now becuz if i do have sex i dont want to be embarassed but it doesnt bleed on my panties it only does wen i pop it but not on my underwear.
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I believe there is a difference in all of these kinds we are discussing..THe similarity is embarrasment and the feeling of being the only sufferer..For there are many who have at different places and some who only have around vagina ...Even a confusion which persist among girls is whether to show Gynaec or skin doctor...Please I would request all to also come out with solutions..And let every one knows that after proper care was that effective?...
Anyways thanks for creating sucha forum and discussing..
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Well even today I also realised that so many have such problems..I am a virgin and was wondering about its causes..And I am facing exactly the same problem you discussed ..Plz do let me know whom did u consult later on..whether a gynaec or dermatologist ..or even general physician and have u got it cured....
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I face exactly the same situation..did u get it cured?If yes the tell me how?...
Please let me know whom did u consult for this...
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Hi everyone,

I'm hoping this post will help at least a few of you.  I too have had the same problem of pus and blood filled blisters/boils in the genital area since I was about 16 or 17.  I am 21 now, but I am still a virgin so I knew it was not an STD.  I went to the gynecologist today because I have had a couple large ones recently that have not gone away.  She told me that I needed to be shaving using an antibacterial lubricant.  She said when you shave you are essentially pushing bacteria down into the hair follicle, which can cause an infection to form, and thus the blisters/boils. She took a culture and is going to test for MRSA.   Right now I am starting on clindamycin in case it is MRSA and she said that should help stop the infection and the blisters/boils should disappear.

Final recommendations from my gynecologist:
1) Use an anti-bacterial lubricant (such as Dial soap) to shave.  Lather up once, rinse off, lather up again, then shave.
2)  Take a bath at least once a week.  While this may seem "dirtier" than a shower, she said that baths help clean down there and soak the bacteria off, as opposed to a shower where you can't actually get that clean.
3) Change your razor at least once a month.
4) See your doctor so you can get a perscription.  If you are sexually active, you should especially see a physician because it could be an STI.  Even if it is not, if you have MRSA, that is also contagious so you could infect your partner.

I hope this helps!  I promise this advice came straight from gynecologist.  I am a nursing student, and I highly recommend seeing your doctor.  Preventative care is the best way to go.  My doctor said she once had to hospitalize a women because her's had spread so much.
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I have had this problem for ever i am 26. When i asked my doctors about it no one really knew what they were but not an STD. I have scarring from them but i cant help but pop them sometimes they get so big they hurt and i cant walk.  I use an antibacterial skin clenser every day under my arms and on my inner thighs it helps but does not get rid of them. I do notcie when i am on antibiotics i dont get them as often but then i get a yeast infection so its horrible either way i go!!! but i am soo glad there is someone else that gets this!! Sometimes when they are bad i but a pain patch on them and that helps and i also put a hot wet wash rag on the area and it takes the pain away!!! I dont have money for surgery so i have to fix my problems the best i can... hope this helps!!!
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Well, I'm still unsure (even though I'm a virgin) but It sounds a lot like what everyone else is describing.
They started when I was 13/14 (I'm now 18)
The first one (from what I can remember) was just one pea sized spot. It was white and filled with pus.
I popped it and it spread to everywhere. My anus, buttocks and pubic region in later years.
Itchy like a rash (not in a specific place)

What could this be ? I still haven't seen anyone about it :(
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I think the person who said it was " Staphylococcus aureus infection" is correct. We are going to a dermatologist ASAP and will get back to you all. Also, I never got mine until I has direct contact with my husband (s..) last week. So they do spread..
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My husband has them below his belt line. My baby has them anywhere around his bum or front. And now I have had my second bump below my underwear line. So we think we are getting bit by something. My son is only 18 months, so it's not ingrown hair or puberty. Why does this bug like are privates? They are like pimples with blood and white puss. My son's can get very infected and become huge. We have had him on antibiotics 3 times now. We have also been in 3 different homes when we have gotten bit... Does not make sense at all..
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My husband has them below his belt line. My baby has them anywhere around his bum or front. And now I have had my second bump below my underwear line. So we think we are getting bit by something. My son is only 18 months, so it's not ingrown hair or puberty. Why does this bug like are privates? They are like pimples with blood and white puss. My son's can get very infected and become huge. We have had him on antibiotics 3 times now. We have also been in 3 different homes when we have gotten bit... Does not make sense at all..
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I have hard bumps that are very simular to a pimple with white pus like substance coming out when my husband mashes it.  I cannot do it myself because it is so painful.  What did they doc prescribe to you,  where I can get mine to call me some in.  Thanks
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i have the same thing right now only one  side of my inner thigh i did go to a  walk in doctor place they cut open and  packed it and had me come back in 2 days i did and they said it is mersa and repacked it and asked me to come back the next day,iam on 2 antibiotics and this is not the first time.Starts with pain then bump looks like it is filled with blood will not pop This thing is deep and the pain i can only stay in bed and go to bathroom. Iam in my late 30's and this has been going on for 3yrs or so with everything you all wright i think i need to ask the doctors about this HIDRADENITIS SUPPURATIVA  I think i may have this and dont know what to do? Iam scared
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I've had blood & pus filled bumps frequently on my vaginal area. When I was 17 a doctor diagnosed me with genital herpes. I haven't gotten any medicine for it & I refuse to believe this is the real diagnosis. I am now 22 although I've haven't had a painful outbreak like my very first time I'm scared to go to a doctor about it. Also, I've had two children since being diagnosed. I have discharge a lot and it smells, what should I do?
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681148 tn?1437661591
Shaving does irritate the area, but I can attest that it's not the only cause since I don't shave the pubic area.  A few weeks ago I had to use Metro gel for vaginosis, which is likely what many others here are dealing with.  Okay, that's obviously the gel for inside.  What my doctor also had me do that helped with that burning and the infected irritation from the hair root shaft was to simply use some Neosporin on the outside of the pubic area.  That acidic vinegar smell I was also getting disappeared.  And, just for all here, this is a fairly common issue for women.  I've had the bacterial vaginosis before.  It has nothing to do with STD or lack of virginity.  It's a hard thing for the younger ladies on this thread to deal with because people make such assumptions.  I know, because I had the vaginosis even when I was only in my 20's and had to medical insurance and was looking for a solution.  That was when I quickly learned who was a genuine friend and who was quick to make judgments and innuendos and inferences about something that has absolutely nothing to do with sex or sexuality.

So, what I learned from that doctor's visit is that a good solution you can try is this:  After you shower in the morning and are thoroughly dry down there,  you can apply a THIN layer of Neosporin to the affected area(s) in the pubic region.  Apply a second time before you go to bed again at night.  That should take care of the external vinegar type smell, too, if you notice that, because that's also from similar bacteria.
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I'm a 15 year old virgin, and I have been getting these for a couple years now. I was so worried that it was something serious and that I was the only person that got them. I'm so glad that someone other people get the same thing!
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I have the same problem the bump hurt so bad and when it bust it be so stank stick on to your panties.. that make it hurt even worst can't Holly sleep because it hurt I went and got check they said nothing just a boil.it come and go thing about iam not even having sex I was  scared thought it was herpes Iam so sick of this everything it came make me weak can't sleep at night.. but God said in his word that iam healed by Jesus strips and I'm trusting and believing God for his word..
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