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neck pain, body aches all over, cramps and tingling feeling in my entire body.

I have pain in my entire body, i mean my entire body. I'm 20 years of age and my body is killing me. I also have toothaches, neck pains and muscle pain everywhere. I was wondering what could that be from, I recently went to the emergency room, the doctor perscribed anxiety, but this feeling is worse than that, i'm very fatigue can someone give suggestions please. I' ve been taking the medicine perscribed and it doesn't work at all.
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I wish I were dead most of the time too. I don't know why any of these dr's can't figure it out. I just want it to be over.
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I have fibro and it isn't restricted to one side of my body. I have heard of what you are having before. I don't know what the problem is, but there has to be help for you. Have you ever been to a neurologist? I might also suggest that you try a chiropractor and/or acupuncture. It all sound neurological to me. Good luck and God Bless.
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4404377 tn?1390093428
the last few days my fingers are so numb and cold, my neck hearts so bad i hardly can move, my pain is all to my right side normally, they called this trigeminal neuralgi. but now i am numb fevering and hurting from head to toe, i think body flew?  but i simply wiah to give up and die,because living is hell. i cant provide for my family i am usless, this pain has had me for most my life, i got married and should not have. the pain is normally all to the right the temple, the head ear, jaw, and teeth. cold air makes it worst. but now from head to toe i am about to jump off a bridge. i recieve pain meds and anxiety meds, but i am tired of masking this pain with meds, does anyone think this a fibromyalgia? i need answers so bad i have had enough of waking in pain and suffering. thank you
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4173379 tn?1355356551
I would just like to say to all the people getting told by their drs. about fibromyalgia and lupus and MS and Lyme...if they haven't checked for iron overload, please get them to do this. All the mysterious symptoms and pain and neuropathy can be linked back to iron overload...please check it out yourself. I am sure you have looked into many things on your journey to discovery, but so often this is getting overlooked.

Punch in hemochromatosis or iron overload and you'll find out anything you need to know about how to get the tests and the signs and symptoms and how it relates to so many of the common problems we encounter and suffer and loved ones and friends die from every day.

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Dear revivePT, Wow, you hit the nail on the head. I am 46 years old and I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1988 at NIH in Washington D.C. I thought it was such a foolish diagnosis and didn't buy into it. I am a flight attendant for American Airlines and up for 24 hours straight somedays and it destroys me. Also, eating wrong and stress are what destroy me most. If I eat gluten, dairy, sugar, corn or night shades vegetables, I feel horrible. If I stick to protein, veggies and fruit I feel like I can run a marathon. It's truly amazing what sleep and food do to our bodies. Oh and stress, it just plain kills us. Thank you for not recommending that everyone go out and get anxiety meds, 'cause that is what most of my doctors have always tried to put me on. I go through bouts that I can't get out of bed and then I think back and figure out that I wasn't sleeping enough, eating the correct foods, and that I was stressing a lot. Some people can eat wrong, never sleep and never feel pain, but others feel every bit of what we have done wrong. Thank you, Paulette
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I have Fibromyalgia.  When it first struck I could hardly walk and I ached all over.  The Rheumatologist diagnosed me with it about 20 years ago.  I try to eat healthy etc.  But what really helped me is taking Essiac.  It's an old American Indian remedy for pain that really works for me.  I hope it will work for others too.  It comes in two forms, either capsules or tea available at most health food stores.  It is also called "Four Essences" as it's made of four herbs.
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You just described my symptoms! We are the same age, and I keep wondering am I supposed to feel like this forever?  My GP told me that my tests indicated RA-but the rhem doctor said no way. Meanwhile, the pain and burning continue. If I sit too long, I walk like a 90 year old until all of the tingling passes and I can stand upright.
I have another doctor's appointment today. Maybe something will be detected and I'll get back to exercise and life again. I wish you the best in your journey to health.
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I am 19 years old and i have been feeling pain over my entirely body for 3 months and couple days. Im feeling pain in my shoulders,hands,fingers,legs,feet,chest,armpits,abdominal section,stomach,waist,face,head and neck. These pain doesnt affect me in working, it only makes me moody and worry. I also have a gum swelling for 3 days ago and i thought it was my wisdom tooth pushing out but it wasnt. In addition i have nightmares and have to wake frequently at nights, hands and feet numb with an electric shock feelings like i have power, some parts of my body jump, i passed gas too often, i urinate often, my heart beats fast at times till i start see my belly moving with the beat, i find it hard to concentrate and use words most times, life seems unreal and when i take certain drugs like alcohol and weed my body system start to react slow even when i dont take a lot of the substance.
With all those weird symptoms going on for long i decided to go to the doctor to find out whats wrong with me. I did a blood test which contains up to 15 tests and everything about my blood was ok. Th doctor was a bit lost based up on my symptoms so she was recommending me to a specialist but i never got to go. Could someone tell me pleases what they think is wrong with me immediately???????????
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I am 19 years old and i have been feeling pain over my entirely body for 3 months and couple days. Im feeling pain in my shoulders,hands,fingers,legs,feet,chest,armpits,abdominal section,stomach,waist,face,head and neck. These pain doesnt affect me in working, it only makes me moody and worry. I also have a gum swelling for 3 days ago and i thought it was my wisdom tooth pushing out but it wasnt. In addition i have nightmares and have to wake frequently at nights, hands and feet numb with an electric shock feelings like i have power, some parts of my body jump, i passed gas too often, i urinate often, my heart beats fast at times till i start see my belly moving with the beat, i find it hard to concentrate and use words most times, life seems unreal and when i take certain drugs like alcohol and weed my body system start to react slow even when i dont take a lot of the substance.
With all those weird symptoms going on for long i decided to go to the doctor to find out whats wrong with me. I did a blood test which contains up to 15 tests and everything about my blood was ok. Th doctor was a bit lost based up on my symptoms so she was recommending me to a specialist but i never got to go. Could someone tell me pleases what they think is wrong with me immediately???????????
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By Raja
Am a 29yrs male,am getting more pain in shoulder legs arms neck pain as well feet.its almost 3 months and am still single not yet married.am worrying why its comings looks like i cant able to work and i cant able to bear the pain at after office hours and while standing.getting more pain on head and feeling nervously.could anyone pleade let us know what it should be.thanks.
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Im 18 years old and lately i have been having these muscle,join and chest pains,always feel like sleeping,in and out of moods,always too tired to do anything.went back to the gym even thou the wont stop now they even worse than before.i have a low blodd pressure associated with angina pectoris if any chance do you know what i can do to relieve myself from these misery i dont want to be dependent on pills as im still too young.....really need help any suggestions
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I posted the same problems, have been to my doc for blood tests.
I have high levels of calisium in my blood and urine. That that only covers part of it. I have so many symptoms my doc is sending my to a cardioligest and indoconoligest (sp on both) I go to the cardo Aug. 9th.

Go to your regular doc, not the ER, and don't let them tell you again that it's all in your head, ITS NOT!!!
Good Luck Barbara Gene
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    I'm 13 and I've been having pains ever since I was very sick from a virus. I'm constantly in pain with either aches that shoot threw my body and numb it this pain can last for days to seconds random sharp pains that come fir seconds then disappear. I have pain in my upper back when I swallow and lower back pain during the evening.
I also have mind fogs where I can't think of words. I feel very lathargic and sickly all the time.

Background info- I have severe anxiety ,alergies, and asthma. I take pain very well butt just not knowing what i hace is emotionally crippling please help by telling what you think i have and or of youve had this. Thank you so much for your time I am very greatfull
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    I'm 13 and I've been having pains ever since I was very sick from a virus. I'm constantly in pain with either aches that shoot threw my body and numb it this pain can last for days to seconds random sharp pains that come fir seconds then disappear. I have pain in my upper back when I swallow and lower back pain during the evening.
I also have mind fogs where I can't think of words. I feel very lathargic and sickly all the time.

Background info- I have severe anxiety ,alergies, and asthma. I take pain very well butt just not knowing what i hace is emotionally crippling please help by telling what you think i have and or of youve had this. Thank you so much for your time I am very greatfull
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I am 18 years old, I have pain everywhere and it started out a couple of months ago. I have more severe pain in my hands and feet.  I went to the rheumatologist and he just said to excercise. Its good, I think you should do it too, its supposed to help with the pain. In a couple of weeks or months you will be pain free. Hope this helps.
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ok for starters i want to say i was diagnosed with ptsd and ive had irritable bowel syndrome and over the course of 10 years ive been in pain ive had many injuries to my back and shoulder and knees so i thought it was normal but the pain has consistently gotten worse over time, i feel like ive been working out for days at a time non stop i have pain in my shoulders neck back of my legs , knees and have numbness, tingling and pinching feelings in my legs and hands and feet, sometimes it feels like my muscles are tightened up and wont loosen up, ive been to doctor after doctor and they have no answers for me im not able to sleep i had bad headaches and im severely depressed as i have no answers and dont know where to turn for answers. i have 1 day out of seven if im lucky i may feel ok in the morning  but in the evening im back to where i was hurting again it gets worse with the weather if i try to stretch it feels good but once i stop i feel horrible, please does anyone know what this could be
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my husband had very similar symptoms and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong.He went to the chiropractor for months without any improvement.....turns out he had lymes disease. It presented as horrible back pain/body aches. Both our dogs had it too and one died from it. The doctors never would have tested if it weren't for my husband asking due to our dog's diagnoses. It took so long that he was hospitalized for a week with a paralyzed diaphragm. Much better now though after some experimental treatment.
Lymes disease is on the rise this year....I have heard of lots of people getting it. (I live in Wisconsin.) It's only a $10 test to know if you have it. Totally worth checking in to if you go to your doctor and live in areas like WI.
Good luck everyone
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i also have pain all over my body. i started to have the pain 10 years ago when i used to get flu shots. i am convinced the shots are responsible for all my pain now.
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I am 44, I have 4 children, 21, 19, 12, and 9. For the past 4 yrs, I have suffered from neck, arm, and shoulder pain. 2yrs ago I had a MRI and it showed a slight bulge in C4. I then went for 3 sessions of cortisone shots, and a full year of chiro. I went May 2nd for another MRI as the pain has only worsened. The neck specialist stated that there was bulging, however it was not pressing on the spinal cord. Thus the problem is not my neck! They also did an MRI on the LEFT shoulder and found I have a full thickness tear in  my rotator cuff.

Well I had cuff  surgery 5 yrs ago in the RIGHT shoulder and have had pain in my neck and arms (plural) since that time. So now they think I have pulled out an anchor in the RiGht shoulder and are going to do an MRI.  
I think, when I had the first surgery on RIGHT shoulder they tweaked a nerve or something and that has been the source of my pain.
However, I do hurt in my back now, and both hips. Of course I hurt in both shoulders. I wish my RIGHT shoulder felt as good as the LEFT shoulder which has a verified full tear. To cry a min, I cant so much as pore coffee at this point, and my arms are killing me while I type.

I do not eat boxed food, I exercise, I typically work construction, I take glucosomine. I am Suzie homemaker when it comes to food, I cook from scratch all natural, grow my own garden.  Drink lots of water.
If any one has any answers please let me know. Especially if my thinking is off track, cause I really don't know anymore and don't want to think on it anymore either. Some one want to get me a cup of coffee? And cook and clean and run my husbands business"s office? Ha no really Ha, I try to keep a since of humor.
Thank you for listening
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No, I don't agree with any of you. Idk what it is but I have it too sometimes and you should get some more SLEEP! Having pains often means you don't rest enough as much as you should.  If you are an early waker, try going to sleep earlier and it will give your body time to rest.
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Hi everyone, my name is Amy I'm 32 years young.. I'm a very brittle type 1 diabetic for 15 years. My high blood sugars have wage war against my body. My kidneys, eyes, server Mercer damage.  Last week 911 was called for me, I thought I was dying from the middle of my breast bone into my shoulder joints into n down my arms. Throwing up violently. I went into diabetic kedoacidosis. My blood sugar was almost 1000 (one thousand)  that's right. And now for about a month its been getting worse my skin hurts under my skin hurts my mussels hurt. My ribs n bones hurt. It hurts even when I just lay my hand on my ribs or shoulders. I'm in so much pain and its not like anything I've ever felt and I'm scared. I can deal with pain. I'm a mama of 3. 2 boys and 1 girl. First 2 were natural 9 lbs 10 oz 22.5 inches. My last one was E.R. cesarean 8 weeks early.  I felt like my Insided were gonna fall out. Now with my body hurting like it is, it hurts to get hugs from my kids. I'm already on strong pain medicine for an array of medical problem but my pain pills don't f nothing for this kinda pain. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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I am feeling the exact way!
It's so, so very painful, I'm actually on the verge where it has me in tears.
I've been feeling this way for about 2-3weeks. Pretty much when I moved out here. I moved to Calgary AB at the ending of March. Which ***** about this is that I do have my AB Health Coverage but, my coverage doesn't start till 1st of June :(

What I'm going through is, Massive headache, lower back pains, pain in the shoulders, pain all over my legs down to my feet, pain in my arms, shoulder to fingertips. and pain in the chest,
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sounds avery close to Lyme Disease to me..Check out this link to LD symptoms  Everyone else on here with unexplainable arthritis and other joing probs GI probs migrains possible fibromyalgia MS symptoms Lupus various phsychological issues ect REALLY SHOULD CHECK THIS OUT THERE COULD BE AN ANSWER!!!

Many people do not get the bulls-eye rash or even notice they have been bitten...you can also have a false neg on blood tests since this infection is very good at hiding
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I hate to say this but you should be with someone who cares what you are feeling, i've been in constant pain 24/7 for over a year.  It has put my dancing career to a screaming halt my fiance then who is my husband now is more then understanding, he tells me to lay in bed and relax, brings me ice, heat helps try to massage me draws a bath and when times have been so horrible has taken me to the ER sometimes 2-3 times in one week, and sits and waits for hours and hours until they release me, I wish I were dead almost weekly, without his support I wouldn't and love I wouldn't still be here.  Someone may not have to have fibro or a constant pain to be sympathetic to what other people are going through, I wish you strenth
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