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blood on TP

I have been findng blood on my toilet paper when i wipe. also, i have been having a hard time have afull bowel movement. it will start but i cant finish the movement and it gets difficult. today i felt a wetness and it was a mix of sweat and blood. small ammounts though. this was without a bowel movement. im 22 years old. im very stressed out with a few things, could this be a reason? what does this blood mean for me? and why is it happening?
2 Responses
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410475 tn?1262942367
actually I got on this board tonight to find some answers about the very same problem, blood in stool, I am so scared its cancer. I have a app for a colonscopy on monday, it seems a long time to have to wait and worry. for you, thats your next step also, they have to take a look inside and see whats going on. another reason for blood is some medications such as anti-inflamations drugs do it to me, so thats all I know, I think there are other diseases to, like colitis and maybe even an ulcer. but no matter, you have to see the doc.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
Definitely hope you both follow up on here, @cat9841 how did the colonscopy go, what were the results?
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