1666434 tn?1325262350

Things to get done... 3rd Trimester

I know this will be an odd question but is anyone doing things like going to the dentist before the birth, getting your hair done, etc.?  I have been trying to keep up with teeth cleanings because my gums bleed more when I am pregnant and the last time I was pregnant and even miscarried, I ended up having to get a root canal because of an infection so this time I have kept up on the cleanings.

I was thinking about trying to get my hair done before the birth because I know I will be busy once the little one arrives, but still debating because of my hormones and stuff.

But any of you women out there do something special before birth to make you feel good?
23 Responses
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278664 tn?1319840159
Yes I actually have a dentist appt next week for cleaning and I do plan on getting my hair done before I give birth.  Because like you said we won't have much time after our little bundles are here.
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349463 tn?1333571576
I just did my hair and am trying to hold out another week or two for a really good mani/pedi!

At this point it's about taking advantage of my free time (what little there is) and doing all the things that will become impossible with a newborn and a two year old at the same time like shopping or going to a restaurant.

When I feel fat, stink like breast milk, and look like a zombie right around when the baby is 3 weeks old I'll do some mommy pampering to give myself a boost.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
I know with each child I get a little bit better about caring for myself after the birth.  I hope that I am even better with this one being the 3rd.  My first I swear I looked like a train wreck for the first year.  Sure I brushed my hair and put makeup on here and there, but I was dealing with sporadic sleep schedules and it affected the energy I had to keep up.

Our 2nd son had a better sleep schedule so that really made a huge difference and I packed that child with me everywhere in his little Snuggle pouch.  I breastfed everywhere too, lol  The first one was much more picky and the 2nd one was easy going.
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1428239 tn?1333457053
When I make it to 34 weeks and am taken off strict bed rest.. I am totally going to get my hair cut, eyebrows waxed, maybe a manicure, maybe a pedicure... Go all out....  

My hair is a mess right now... Its been since May I believe when I cut it last...  My 25th Birthday is right around 36.5 weeks so I want to look healthy and young for that...  

I also have a box of hair dye for after the baby is born...  I dont dye my hair frequently but the last time I did, it was last summer and I got blonde highlights that need to go now... Plus all these hormone changes, have given me some greys  not a whole lot but more than I like. My hair overall just needs to be less dull...

I also have a dentist appointment schedule for the beginning of November so that will be good.. Only thing is that I probably will have to get my wisdom teeth out....  Last year, he said he wanted to take them out but we were trying to conceive and I didnt know when an appointment would be and didnt want to wait... While over the pregnancy, one of them has definitely reached the surface.. THough I wouldnt say its causes me discomfort on an ever yday basis, seems to only be if they are growing... But might as well get them out so  Ican stop worrying about them.. But I dont know how well that will go with a one month old baby at home...  

I am really looking forward to my hair cut though.. Only a week and a half to go to get to that point..

Really hope my baby is still an October baby.. Though if its born around even as late as 36 weeks, its right around my Bday in September.. SO who knows maybe my baby and I will have very close birthdays....
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349463 tn?1333571576
Have you guys noticed with the dentist that your gums are more sensitive? I haven't gone while pregnant because my gums are too sensitive for them to even clean my teeth. Same thing happened last time I couldn't get a cleaning until the baby was 4 months old.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
Oh yes indeed my gums bleed more when I have dental work done and they are more agitated.  The dentist said this is caused from an increase of bacteria in your mouth when pregnant and that even though they are like this, you should still get them cleaned, once in your first trimester and then soon after you give birth.

I had this issue on the extreme side when we miscarried last year.  My bacteria increased so much from just the few months of pregnancy that I had a tooth get infected and had to have a root canal and antiobiotics.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
I forgot to mention my urge for painting the rooms that need painting.  I have become a nesting freak--- I made two lists on our refrigerator, that says "baby is on its way" and I tried my best to draw a little baby along with a household list of to-do's--- it helps me stay organized and it helps others in our house see what needs to be done too so everyone is pitching in to help get our list down.  It's been a lot of work but it's been fun too :D
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1581788 tn?1340229715
Cleaning the place spotless is on this list.  Now that Samuel's room is almost done this is possible.  So one more week and we can have this done thank God!  As for me Hair cut, Threaded, and pedicure.  
I have been told I am not allowed to go to the dentist....  
oh and have I mentioned how exhausted I am right now!
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1666434 tn?1325262350
My lists are getting done, plan on spending another week painting too.  I still wake up paranoid if I don't feel our baby move right away.  This week I have some bloating going on, largely because of salt intake I think so I have to be better at what I eat and make sure to consume more water and eat less salt.
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1581788 tn?1340229715
OMG the last two nights my LO has woken me up at like 3 am doing some kind of hockey or football in my tummy...  idk maybe some hip hop too.  And I am feeling faint and getting a headache everytime I start to work on anything and it is annoying me because I want stuff done by this weekend so I can finish paperwork next week.  I am SOOOO close why will it not cooperate with me!!??
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1666434 tn?1325262350
lol poor thing, it's making sure to get your attention.  My little one is letting me sleep better at night thank goodness.  Staying up later is helping a little so it gets playtime out before I try to sleep.

I am getting harder BH Contractions and I am starting to get the line down my stomach too.  I can also feel myself spreading down there, with the soreness that is going on.

Not long now.  I do get nauseated with certain abrupt movements that they make in there or feel faint too.
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1428239 tn?1333457053
I am so far behind.. I am expected to go into labor early and yet i havent packed a hospital bag... I have 3 more days of complete bed rest.. Starting Monday, Ill work on getting some things done.... I dont know how much ill be able to do because if i start getting cramping or too much pressure, Ill need to lay down...  But I made up my list of items to bring to the hospital.. So come Monday, going to pick up a couple more small things for the baby, a closet organizer, and im going to start washing.. Hopefully by Tuesday of next week, Ill have the bags packed.. and be starting on finishing up the baby's room...  

Once my Hubby is done with the deck (hopefully this weekend), though we still have some projects to do, I think ill have us start the declutter and cleaning process then he can go back to the projects...  Some things will need to be recleaned but at least if things are organized, it can just be a process of moving some things, vacuuming, etc.
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1428239 tn?1333457053
Today marks my first day off complete bed rest.. Im still taking it easy because I am now exhausted after doing some things today..

All linens like sheets, towels, face clothes, etc... have been washed and are ready for the baby...

a couple bottles, milk storage containers, etc. have been washed... I may not really need them at all at this point but I figured it would be best to have them ready then I can just sterilize them if i end up needing them...

Play yard has been moved and set up .... Still waiting to wash the water proof pad before i set up the crib again...

Clothes are getting washed.... should be done that task by tomorrow, organizing them by the NB and 0-1 basket and the 0-3 month basket for now and will put them away tomorrow once the closet in the babies room has some things removed from it...

Our bed room was cleaned since the baby will be rooming in here at first, I figured it was the best place to start....

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1666434 tn?1325262350
I have been nesting like crazy and getting the family nesting too I think.  We have all worked so hard around the house these past 3 days, painting, cleaning, washing clothes, organizing.  Everything that we put off for a while we are getting it done which is great, but a lot of work.  My feet started swelling this weekend, but then again I have really not taken a lot of breaks.  I'm at the stage now where I feel like I just have to get things done.

I don't know if I am going to go early or what, but I just feel like things need to be taken care of, so I'm making my list and checking it off as we go.

Still have not packed hospital bag, lol
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1428239 tn?1333457053
Hospital bag is on my list today.. lets see if it gets done.. im taking it a bit easy today, a little laundry, putting the clothes from yesterday away, packing the stuff for the hospital..then tomorrow i might do some cleaning again..

I could hardly move last night because of back pain from my bit of cleaning yesterday so got to space it out
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1328437 tn?1371764241
we did most of the baby clothes and blanket washings this past weekend. still have the crib sheets, bumpers and baby basket items to wash and set up. we're almost there. we haven't picked out the baby's newborn outfit (from the hospital to home) yet so that's something we still need to do and possibly buy if we can't find a good one from all the gifts we've received. and nope, no hospital bag packed yet either. that's on the list of still to-do stuff. slowly but surely, we're getting things done a little at a time. i say by this weekend or possibly next weekend we'll be set and ready to go. i hope so anyway.
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1581788 tn?1340229715
I have one or two more loads of baby clothes to do.  I think one buy maybe two just in case of the colors.  His room is done for the most part.  We are packed for the hospital.  The storage was taken apart and reorganized this weekend.  Now we need to clean and get rid of what we are not keeping.  But if he came tomorrow I could be ok with that I think at least lol.  

And mzrichee I ended up taking some clothes back and shoping for outfits to find a take home outfit.  I have one that is warmer and one that is cooler packed in there.  Can you take any of it back still?  I finally packed for the hospital but there is stuff I can't pack until the day.  like the phone chargers and other chargers and toiletries... so I don't know how we are supposed to be fully packed before we go to the hospital to just take it and run if need be without buying double???  
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1428239 tn?1333457053
i am having the same issue with some items in terms of completing my hospital bag....  i have an extra tooth brush and toothpaste but not everything...  snd i know we will forget to throw these things together at ther las t mins....  any tips from those wh0 have done this
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1328437 tn?1371764241
having done this once before regarding the hospital bag, i say it's really up to you. we kept things very simple the last time around. we made sure we had the car seat ready (not in place or anything, but ready to put in the trunk and take with us to the hospital), our baby's take-home outfit, some baby blankets and a set of clothing for myself. that was pretty much it. all the other stuff were just extras, like cellphone, phone charger, camera, etc. of course, i think in this case, a camera or camcorder could be pack away at this stage if you don't think you'll need it until the big day. that way come the day you do need to take off, you'll already have that in place without running around looking for it, or having the hubby or whoever having to make another trip back to the house to look for the camera.

puttergirl -- i never thought about packing two different kinds of outfit, one for cooler and one for warmer weather. i guess since we have such crappy foggy/cold weather in SF, one set of outfit will do. but yes, still undecided on what the newborn will be wearing. hopefully we'll find something soon.
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349463 tn?1333571576
I saw your comment about painting. Last week I decided I HAD to paint two of my bathrooms and do touch up painting all around the house. Nesting, nesting, nesting!

At this point I'm done with the big stuff and just trying to keep the house clean. Oh also sounds funny, but I take a shower every night to wash my hair and shave my legs. I just want to be ready every day.

I packed a dress for myself to come home in, but the weather is up and down like 30 degrees here so I'm throwing a sweater in the bag too.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
@ NicMom omg I started literally a two page list and posted it on the refrigerator for everyone to see and all of us ended up doing a lot more than what was on the list so that has been great.  We painted the game room we have for the boys, the kitchen, the laundry room and the pantry and my husband's office.  It just seems so much easier to get things in order right now before the baby gets here.

I still have some laundry to do of odds and ends for the baby.  We have no idea what we are having yet.  We bought neutral colored clothes, but then we bought some very boy clothes so don't know if we will have to run out and buy different clothes or what once he/she arrives.

I got my hair done yesterday and I painted my nails which sounds like a great idea until you realize you have trouble reaching your toes! lol

Good idea on packing something for warm and cold weather.
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1581788 tn?1340229715
Since I live right next to the beach and not sure what time of the day they are sending us home it is hard to guess what the weather will be.  My fav outfit is the warmer one so hoping to be able to have him wear that one.  

ok so I was ahead of the game and then go this "great idea" and started a project I said could wait until after he is born on top of deciding I needed to completely reorganize the kitchen so now my place looks disasterous downstairs again.  and since I have this constant headache and feel faint all of a sudden for no reason whatsoever it is not going as fast as I want!! I have frustrated myself lol....  And then if some one wants me to do something for them I am like HELLO!! I am working on my own stuff here!!!  Thank God for my Mom and Hubby who are helping me as they can to make it go way faster than it would be if I was doing it by myself.

I did post a couple of pics of Samuels room mostly done on my page if you would like to see.  I just need a couple of things that go on the wall still I think.
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1666434 tn?1325262350
lol don't feel bad at all I think it's normal.  I started a few things and then I get exhausted.  My list of things to do is slowly dwindling down.  I can't believe the time is almost here, it's very surreal.

I will definitely check out the pics you posted, can't wait to see them!
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