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Discouraged and Confused

Hi all,

I found out I was vitamin D deficient about 3.5 weeks ago and have since been on 50,000 IU D2/week and 2900 IU D3/day (so about 70,000 IU per week). I also take a daily multivitamin, B complex, 400-500mg magnesium citrate, 750mg calcium and fish oil.
For the first 2 weeks or so I felt miserable and felt like I was getting worse. After about 3 weeks my symptoms greatly reduced. I had tons of energy and everything I was complaining about was mostly gone. I felt just great.

But slowly the symptoms just came back again just when I thought I was starting to get better. This just doesn't make any sense to me. Does anyone else go through this sort of thing? How can this sort of thing even happen and what does it even mean? I started out with a vitamin D level of 10ng/ml 3.5 weeks ago. I've had random chest pains, severe fatigue, brain fog/trouble focusing and concentrating, muscle weakness, some random pains all over my body (though this is fairly rare and doesn't bother me much).

I can't even began to describe how disruptive this vitamin d deficiency has become to my life. I so badly want to perform well at work but I just can't seem to do it with these terrible symptoms. I'm tired of them, discouraged and pretty demoralized. I'm just a 24 year old male and I went from feeling healthy and young to feeling like I'm 80. I've been suffering from these symptoms for months but only recently discovered the problem.

I sometimes wonder if maybe I have other health issues, though I've had many blood tests and everything else always shows up normal except the vitamin D.

How do the rest of you deal with these problems? Is there anything that can be done to help alleviate them?
28 Responses
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Well....I went through the same thing not too long ago; I diagnosed myself with a vitamin D deficiency based on symptoms I was having and had a physician do the lab and BINGO.....I was indeed deficient.  I have found very few regular physician know how to treat this PROPERLY.  

Have you had a thyroid panel done?  I am not talking about only a TSH, but a THOROUGH thyroid panel?  

I would recommend you consult an Endocrinologist.  

Luckily, my symptoms are to a minimum and I can function well after taking high doses of Vitamin D.  I am on a monthly maintenance dosage now.  

I would recommend sticking to a healthy diet, limit caffeine, limit alcohol and getting plenty of sleep.  Watch your stress levels.  Try to stay active if and when you can.  
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I had my free T4 and TSH tested which came out normal. I do plan on seeing an Endocrinologist asap.

My diet is healthy now (though it wasn't for many months before). I don't drink at all really. Don't like caffeine and work out regularly now. I probably get less sleep than is ideal and have fairly high stress.

I guess it hasn't even been 4 weeks for me, but I hope by around week 6 I really start to improve. I still sometimes find it hard to believe low vitamin D can cause such crippling symptoms.
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Yes, I was amazed too.  When my abnormal lab came back the physician insisted that couldn't be causing any MAJOR symptoms.   Well....I made my mind up not to return to him after that statement.....I found another physician who knew what he was talking about.....an Endocrinologist.  

Did you have any other abnormal labs?  You should be taking Mg with the vitamin D as well.  Consult the Endo BEFORE adding additional Mg though.
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I'm already taking some Calcium and Magnesium, though I've been inconsistent with the calcium since I'm not so convinced I really need it.

I'm currently in the process of switching to an Endocrinologist. None of my other labs besides the vitamin d test came back abnormal.
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Hey all. Just wanted to update on how things are going. I'm now 6 weeks into treatment averaging 10k IU per day along with Magnesium and Calcium

I feel just awful. Though I've had some good points during recovery where I've felt pretty good they have been rare. Recently I've honestly felt like I'm even worse than when I started. I have severe muscle weakness, especially my hamstrings and gluts. Have just about no energy, an odd chest pain and pressure in my head. Sometimes I just plain feel unwell and kind of sick. I also randomly get slightly dizzy as if I'm on a boat. I am not expecting to make a full recovery in a few weeks but I was hoping for just a bit of relief at least.

I was reading a report on 5 patients suffering from vitamin d deficiency induced muscle weakness and every patient recovered more or less after 6-8 weeks.


How can it be that I don't even feel the slightest hint of relief let alone a full recovery?

I've had several blood tests and everything but the vitamin d was almost perfect. I'm starting to wonder if maybe there is another cause for these symptoms since I just can't seem to feel any better. I just want to feel a little bit better so badly. I guess I'm very desperate and pretty much obsessing now over trying to recover. I just don't know what else I can even do. These symptoms have hit my life so hard, how does everyone else manage it?
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I also find it so frustrating when I see a doctor and they tell me there is nothing wrong with me and I just need to eat healthier and exercise. Sometimes they also try to move the topic to depression (which I certainly don't have).

I do apologize for all my endless complaining here, I just like to post on this forum since I feel like people here can actually relate to what I am feeling.
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How much vitamin D are you taking now?  What regimen are you following?
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I have just started with 50000 d once a week. My level was 7 and I have thyroid issues. I have had a few good days and fewer days of "fever like pain" It is so hard to explain to anyone how extreme my fatigue and pain can be. I actually had my husband read this forum and he seemed to get it. Every day I wake up and think I can be normal and get things done. Every night I am amazed that I did almost nothing and feel like I moved a mountain of rocks. I can really tell when I have a good day because I am bored. Most days are such a struggle I don't notice the lack of "life" I use up all my energy existing.  I am hopeful that the d will help. My Dr said it wont be quick.
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On a daily basis I take:
8000 IU of Vitamin D3
750mg of calcium
90 mcg Vitamin K2
400 mg Magnesium Citrate
Vitamin B Complex

Quite a lot of pills everyday. At some point I'm going to drop most of them and just take a daily multivitamin + 5000 IU of D3.


I know exactly how you feel. I wish someone had told me how miserable a vitamin d deficiency can make you.  Its so frustrating being tired and fatigued so much. It does make getting things done much harder. I've also had those days where I feel like I've wasted the entire day and got nothing done because I just don't have the energy to do the things I need to do.
Unfortunately your doctor is certainly right in saying it won't be a quick fix.

I'm now a bit over 2 months into treatment and I've certainly improved quite a bit. In general I have less fatigue and less of all the other strange symptoms this condition causes. I'm still not 100% normal though. I would say I feel like I am about half way recovered. I have more good days than I used to in the past and I sometimes even have days where I feel really healthy now. My muscle weakness has also improved to a point where I generally can't notice any obvious weakness in my muscles in day to day tasks though going to the gym and trying to lift weights reveals that I've still got a ways to go before I'm back to normal. At this rate I think it will take me another 2-4 months for complete recovery.

I've recently read The Vitamin D Solution by Dr.Holick and have learned that  one of the major components that determines how quickly a person responds to vitamin d is their genetics, hence why some people recover much slower or faster than others. He also mentions it will take weeks to months to notice a reduction in symptoms and many months for complete recovery.

In addition to my supplements I've been regularly exercising (both cardio and weights), eating much healthier and trying to get a more regular sleep schedule. Hopefully this helps speed up recovery. The regular exercise is something I've started only a few weeks ago since up until recently I just didn't have the strength or energy to do much of it.

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Just saw your last post.  

I know EXACTLY what you mean about physicians trying to DUMP your situation into the Depression box or they start BLAMING you for causing your own illness, i.e.  you aren't eating healthy enough or exercising enough....this may or may not be true but should NEVER be assumed.  

The effects of low Vitamin D are REAL.  If anything, having a low Vitamin D level can cause Depression; Depression can be secondary to a low Vitamin D level.  

By the way.....how are you doing?
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Indeed the effects of low vitamin D are absolutely real, but many doctors still seem to ignore it since the symptoms can be so nonspecific or in some people nonexistent. Of course even if it doesn't case symptoms, low vitamin D should always be corrected.

My Vitamin D levels have now improved to a pleasant 52 ng/ml after 3 months of about 9000-10000 IU per day. I have certainly noticed that I feel better more often than I used to but I still have huge ups and downs. The entire recovery has been a roller coaster ride and sometimes when I don't feel well, it is difficult to even say if I am recovering.

Just last week I was feeling extremely fatigued, weak and unwell to the point where it was very difficult to function. This week I am feeling very well again. I noticed other people on this forum have mentioned the ups and downs of vitamin D deficiency recovery. I wonder how common it is and what even causes it.

Fatigue and weakness from low vitamin D of course can take around 6 months (and up to 12 months in some cases) to completely resolve so I guess I may have to wait a little longer to feel 100% like my old self. It has now been 3 months since I started treatment.

How are your symptoms doing? Do you even have any left now? Did you have a similar experience to me during recovery where symptoms would come and go?

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My symptoms are improving slowly, however, they do come and go.  It has been a little over 7 months since I started my regiment.  
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One physician told me that my low vitamin D level shouldn't be making me ill at all.  I thought.....he is truly nuts.  
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Yeah, I still find it surprising that so many doctors seem to not realize how big of a deal VDD is.

I'm still going through the nonstop roller coaster ride. 2 weeks ago I felt absolutely horrible, last week I felt amazing and this week I feel pretty bad again. This is so draining both mentally and physically. I'm just hoping I can start to stabilize soon.
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3246246 tn?1363678900
hey guyz i just found out iim vid d deficiant to   this crap is ruining my life ahh i feel like a shadow of my self,  

my symptomz r

poor concentration , feeling weak and fatigued my arms feel weak n clumsy and my legs feel wobbly when i walk, a  sick feeling, tight chest insomnia. this started in march but it wasent a severe back then i started really feeling bad in june. ( i lost my job in march and havent beeen out much since) man i just wanna feel okay again!!!  has any 1 healed from this yet???
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I have many of the same symptoms you do. What was your vitamin D level? Mine was 10. And feeling like a shadow of yourself is exactly how I've felt this whole time too. Terrible condition.

Of course people heal from it though, Vitamin D deficiency has an excellent prognosis but just takes time to heal. If you read the older posts in this forum, you will see all those members no longer post. I'd assume they are healed and no longer want anything to do with this place.


There is a section in that document that's titled "How long until improvement?".
It explains that it basically takes 6-12 months for recovery, faster if you are lucky.  I'd guess 3-6 months to start feeling better though.
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3246246 tn?1363678900
my lvl was 16    i am currently taking 5000iu's  D3  a day and another  2000iu's of gummy vit d3 a day    the 5000iu's is a softgel is which the color of sunshiine which is cool) lol and the gummyz are 2000iu's for 2 gummyz but i take more sumtimes there good lolz got em at  drugstore.com      i just wanna feel better already though i started taking vit's about...3 weeks ago?  my fataige is on and off... like sumtimes i feel like i just moved boulders   just by waking up!  lol :(   i average 4-5 hours of sleep i feel out of it alot brain fog  sumtimes i mix up words and ussally feel jittery o_0 which sux   i just wanna be OK again i want my life back. iv had every freaken test done, heart stuff chest x-rayz   diabetes   thyroid  all they found was low vit d   i just wanna be ok. im olny 24 and feel like im freakn 54 o_0
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Getting more than 4-5 hours of sleep will probably help. I'm 24 too and I can relate to your symptoms since mine are about the same. The fatigue and weakness annoy me much more than any other symptom. I used to have endless amounts of energy and would always be working out but just can't do that anymore. I always feel like lying down or doing nothing because I just don't have the energy or strength.
I can't put into words how happy I'll be when these symptoms finally go away.
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3246246 tn?1363678900
Interesting, I also used to have endless amounts of energy. i used to be able 2 keep going after i was down or be apposed to sleep willingly when others fell out. Now its just the opposite heh! how terrible this is. walking or going sum where is a task in it self, although i do force my self when i can, to get up and get sum sun. the other day i even rode my bike 4 a while! cuz i felt i had sum energy to use but this suffering appears to be dynamic  feel "ok" sumdayz,  mostdayz crappy o_0 lol and u know...just yesterday i was feeling stiffness in my legs! and im like what is this? could it bee this is how my  legz used 2 feel before all this crap! but lo-and behold i ate sumtin bad and got all dizzy and threw up hard and now i feel extra sick and weak o_0  life goes on though  ehhh
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Have your blood pressure and cholesterol checked. The symptoms you describe are synonymous with high bp. I had nearly indectical symptoms. It may be wise to also consult a chiropractor. A pinched nerve (which may not hurt, but effectively be shutdown or under stress) also leads to dizziness and weird body function, including heart. Be careful with Vit D supplements, many are toxic, the main ingredient being a chemical used in rat poisens. You'll need to do your research carefully. My suggestion is take a simple multi and get adaquate sunlight, see md about bp and cholesterol. If that checks out, see a chiropractor.
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Thanks for posting your experience, i just got diagnosed with this. I am 24 female, i work out regularly. The fatigue has been the worst, I hate that I get tired sooo quickly. I am on 50000 unt once a week, I'm hoping in a month to feel better. How are things going with your recovery & energy level now?
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Wow what you have wrote sounds exactly how I feel!! I'm happy to know other people are having the same issues. Thanks so much for sharing your story! Mrdk
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You should get tested for Candida. Check out the symptoms that sounds like what you have.
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It took me 7 months to get from Vit D level 12 to 59.
I was taking 5000 iu of D3 every day.
I had gone through hell for 2.5 years. I have my life back fully after 7 months (the improvement was very gradual - sometimes, back and forth).

Believe me you will be ok after 7-9 months...Stay on it.
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