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Scared I have stage IV Colon Cancer?

Hello just to state I am a 23-year-old male. I went to a walk-in clinic for some stomach issues, particular pain on the left side, that came out of nowhere. He told me to go to ER and get a CT scan done. The hospital did a CT scan of my stomach with contrast, and found nothing admormal, except for a 4 mm nodule on my lower lung. I then proceeded to have a CT scan done of my chest and the found 2 other nodules of around the same size. Im still having diahrrea, with some slight dull pain in the lower left side of my stomach. What are the chances that it could be stage IV colon cancer? I have experienced no blood in my stool yet and i havent been losing much weight.
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Are you still experiencing it because ive been experiencing those stomach issues myself
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It would be a stretch to jump to the conclusion that you have colon cancer, especially given your age, unless you have a family history of colon cancer or risk factors such as Lynch syndrome or familial adenomatous polyposis. If your symptoms persist, you should see a gastroenterologist to rule out underlying infectious and/or inflammatory bowel disease.
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