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What to expect after boob job?

Hi. I'm 26 years old and had a baby girl 5 months ago. Since I was very young, I've had a complex about my breast. They are A-symetrical, one a very full B almost C, and one a small B. They have an odd shape. They are more triangular then rounded.
After being pregnant with my daughter, I realize just how much my breast affect my self esteem. I was so thrilled with my pregnant breast. Now fast forward 5 months later, there even more out of shape and saggy then before.
My bf thinks that once I get my breast done, I will be one of those women who shows them off. But in reality I just want to be comfortable when I look in the mirror.  I want to feel like a real women, not a freak. I dont want some ginormous implant.  In fact, I'm more concerned about the asymetry than having a large boob.  I would like for them to be a bit fuller and rounder. Maybe a small C. I dont even know if I can do that. Anyway, I would appreciate any feedback you have.  I know I will be judged by this decision (my family is going to flip) but it's not so much for the world to see, its for me to feel comfortable in my own skin. Thank you
23 Responses
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i have always been planned across on surgery on my personal breasts finished during the 15th an few days for thu.. i have always been a small quantity 9 with one 33a breast on mo and even make opted for a full c- d bottle.. breast augmentation
i have always been quite not sure weather with them young i dont have to effect incorrect but also dont going to be disapointed because i can'ted find the money for to be able to received them all started once again
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you must be against fake breast because you very wrong i recently have breast augmentation from a small b to a small d i love them they look and feel real the pain is minimum after 4 or 5 days i was back to my normal routine if anything the worst adjustment is no underwire or push up bras the first few months! newbie2b i would say go for it i did it to love my body and it worked it instantly boosted my confidence and happiness!
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Hi every1,
I would like to have a breast enlargment surgury an looking for a reputable surgeon in UK. Can any one please introduce a good surgeoun or clinic to me? Sepecially those of you who are really happy with your surgury and shape of your breast after boobs job!
Mant thanks
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hi i had my boobs done yesterday 1/5/11 and i had a bad reaction to the anasthetic but i was fine after the worst part is today (day 2 post op) im in alot more pain i was a 34 a/b now a 34 e/f but they dont really look much bigger to me is this normal as i am already thinking about having a second op to go bigger
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Don't worry they will drop and soften up. It just takes a while. I had mine done 12yrs ago. 32A to 32E and I'm very please, I wouldn't change a thing. Just give them time to settle
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my surgery was this past thursday and I have felt fine doing what ims supposed to but my right breast is swollen some with a whole lot of brusing around it thats starting to spread, the doctor said the bruising was blood under the skin, so am I still bleeding thats causing the bruises to get worse?? he sd to wait till next week's appointment to decided what we should do(draining it or not)...
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i had a boob job the week before thanksgiving i was cut a half moon shape around my nipple now my nipple has opened back up almost to an inch! Im scared to death and want to know where i stand can anyone give me some info on what i should do. he is going to sew me back up. but i dont understand what went wrong and what could of caused this
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There are some breast that don't look big enough for their size while some smaller size look bigger.  I suggest you ask for a doctor's opinion on what to do best with your breast.  You can get some free quotes online to help you decide whether to go for a surgery or not. You can get your quote at: http://www.gosculptura.com/forms/generalenquiry.php

I hope that helps.:)
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I'm 19 and have recently been thinking about having my boobs enlarged, at the moment I am between a 34C and 34D, I know a lot of people will say that that's big enough but they don't look that size!! Even when wearing a bra I don't have a proper cleaverage, it's really getting me down, when I see friends with low cut dresses on I just wish I could feel confident enough to wear them too! What do people think? Should I wait a little longer before considering surgery seriously??

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756062 tn?1234223352
ok first of all this is something that u should decide if it is the right thing for u and u only...your bf is just being insecure thinking once u get big boobs u will get all this attention and then leave him...trust mei know because my ex had the same insecure issues...so after i broke up with him i found my current man who i have had children with and i still wanted the boobs but waited until after giving birth...good decision....
it sound slike u have ALL the right reasons for wantoing this surgery...u will have symetrical, beautiful breasts...u want to feel feminine and look great in tops...who doesnt? u deserve it!! absolutely!  i love my new breasts, i have silicone gel (they are better than saline because they last forever and feel softer like real breasts) high profile and behind the muscle...i also would suggest taking the herb "arnica montana" get it at gnc for 2 weeks prior and after surgey..helps prevent swelling and bruising..also ask your dr about a drug called "accolate" it prevents your body from forming a scar around the implant..that is why some women have those really hard breast, their body was loike what the hell is this foreign object in here...but taking this will help...all in all i with following your dr care u should be fine for semi normal activity in a week..i was...its been 3 years now and since i got them i had another baby and they look great still...
go get 'em girl...and remember this quote from my dr when urging me to get them as big as i wanted "no one ever cam back to me to make them smaller, only to go bigger"
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757858 tn?1233962890
i am  getting my boob job donw on march 19th 09 and they said i had to quit smokeing for six weeks before, is that normal???? I am a bit nervous on how much pain i am going to be in~ can someone compare it to something lol....
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708719 tn?1229047632
i had one boob bigger than the other... i was a full size D in one and small C in the other. im only 17 but i had a boobjob to correct it on the 19th nov. I only had one implant in the small boob but now i had it done i feel great. when i first had it dun it was sore but my confidence has grown so much now im a full size 38D (in the support bras i am wearing).
mine were a triangular shape aswell. i had a problem were i hate looking in the mirror and i wouldnt go swimming or anything but now im ready to face the world with my new confidence.

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I just had my boob job nearly 3 weeks ago. Since about 2 weeks I'm having severe pain in my nipples. Way worse than when I had been breast feeding. Way worse than "sensitivity". Going bra-less helps a bit, but not enough.  I've put cabbage leaves in my bra (old recipe, helps a lot for nipple pain from nursing) which helps a lot with the pain, but I still wonder how long this will last... trying all the old remedies from nursing, but still, 2 weeks and no improvement... has anyone had a similar experience and any suggestion? My implant was small (250cc) under the muscle, inserted from below the crease. I went from a AAA to a ?B? just perfect (hope they won't get much smaller :) ).
Thanks for your ideas!
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i am booked in for surgery for my breasts done on the 29th a week on wed.. i am a small size 8 with a 32a breast at mo and have opted for a full c- d cup.. i am so unsure weather to have them smaller i dont want to look false but also dont want to be disapointed as i could not afford to get them done again.. any suggestions would be a great help.. many thanks
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I just got them a week ago went from 36 c to 36 d they are so big i love them. i have son just turning 1 in a week trying to find out when i can pick him up any one know the office is closed.
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They will drop slightly and settle and soften in a few months.  They are a shock at first and it does take a while to get used to them, but rest assured you will grow to love them. Its like a bonding experience, one day you will pop on a bra and not give them a second thought.  Have a little patience. x
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hi hope someone can help me. iv just had a boob op from 32 a to 32 c im small framed and have just taken my bandages off after 5 days and am shocked how big and hard and fake they look!! is this the shape they will be or does it take longer for them to adjust ? will they soften?
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hi i hope someone can help me i am having my breast inlarge on 10/03/2008 from A to a DD do you think thats to big i am 5/10 and a size 14 so an A is tiny
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You need to do whats best for you and your self esteem. Its a fairly painless operation...just a lil discomfort. And as long as you dont go too big...people wont stare...come on, people...its 2008! :) Just make sure you go to a board certified surgeon and tell theme xactly what you want..they tend to encourage you to go bigger....do what is comfortable for you. My mother cried for days when i got mine 8 years ago....but i did it for me...not for her. Now? i regret letting the dr making them so big..and after 2 babies, i want them smaller (like a small c). But i dont regreat ever getting them. Good luck and id you choose to do it...make sure you get frozen raspberries..they smell better than frozen peas to numb ur pain! :)
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364841 tn?1198214359
expect guys to talk to your nipples and not your eyes. that usually happens....and ps   dont use jan adams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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214901 tn?1227567555
I had breast implants done Dec 06 and since I have had two more surgeries. 1. Because the dcotor made then two sizes too big and 2. Because one implant got hard and tight(Capsular contraction). It looks like now I have to have the implant taken out for 4 months,because it is hard again. We will try again after the 4 months.

I felt great for a while having larger, nicer looking breasts, but now I regret doing it, because in the end I may have to have them both taken out and be left with the holes of where they used to be.

Make sure you consider all factors, cause I sure wasnt expecting this.
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What can you expect after surgery?
First and foremost:
Hopefully you'll be happy with your choice to have a breast augmentation
The unfortunate reality is, it doesn't always turn out that way and some have closer to something like a horror story to tell in the end.
I am so fortunate to have anything but a horror story and for this I am so very thankful I didn't choose my doctor much less go into surgery with out having done exactly what you are doing, “asking for others input about their experiences” In my case I had both of my older sisters to ask and believe me this really helped Because being that they are my sisters, I could ask the more personal questions and know that I was getting truthful answers Actually over the years I have still had questions for them and they for me about how we feel about the choice that's been made over-all and if there has been any changes positive and/or negative.
Plus “I had a comparison being that I worked with two ladies who also had breast implants” They too were both very open and honest with me as well
One had not been at all happy with her results and thus went to a different doctor with hopes of improvement Her second time around had already been some time ago then and she explained that there were things at the time she would change. Since then she has had a reduction Admittedly, she had been happy with the results for many years but had over time became unhappy with the size
My other friend had less then an A-cup to start - finished with a small C-cup She has no regrets.  

What you can expect after surgery greatly depends on the choices that you make in preparation.
Are you finished having children?
Just a question to ask yourself – “Why?”
There is really no way to predict what the outcome will be but the imagination is a potentially powerful decipherer. It's a - “Proceed at your own risk,” kind of situation. :)
The lady who had a reduction - had a child after her revision surgery and in part because of the changes from pregnancy, she opted for the third surgery.

A Board Certified Cosmetic Reconstructive Surgeon
When having your initial consultation, you should feel awkwardly comfortable (If you know what I mean?) and be able to openly ask whatever questions you have without feeling rushed by her/him or anyone of the office staff. During this visit you should be offered to view a book of the doctor's before and after photos You should expect to be able to talk openly and ask questions about what you are viewing with preferably the doctor, but at a minimum an informative office consultant. You should also be allowed to view 'all' examples of her/his prior results including before and after photos of breast reconstructive cases following a full mastectomy.” (You can view these on the Internet as you're likely already aware; but choose someone who is conservative enough not to display her/his before and afters via the Internet)

Your surgery should only be performed in a out-patient surgical center with an OR that has immediate access to a hospital in case there is need for emergency resuscitation.
Elective surgery does carry risks, it is a extremely important decision when proceeding from the “idea of having it done” TO “having it done.”

Your expectations of what the result will be need to be realistic. I'll help you some with this – If you look in the mirror and one nipple seems to point to the right rather then center in the end it will still be pointing to the right There could be some change to the shape of your natural breasts but there likely will not be, such as triangular to round Symmetry in reference to size should be corrected.
Your existing breast tissue is very important when selecting size – there needs to be a sufficient amount to the size ratio of the implant.
I chose a female doctor who strongly recommended from her experience that the route of placement be at the natural crease under the breast This also greatly reduces your chances of experiencing a capsular contracture. The scar is about an inch in length It's alike to most tiny scars you already have except even more obscure.
Know -  
“It is painful!”
You will feel like a very heavy weight is on your chest and between that sensation and pain it will restrict your breathing – you'll be taking little short breaths It could take up to three days before you'll be feeling up to doing anything and you do need someone to take care of you during this time
No lifting – No stretching or reaching up with your arms It'll take about a week before you'll begin to feel like yourself again Restrictions will be recommended for 3 to 6 weeks and vary depending on the route of placement chosen.
There will be nerve damage that your body will gradually repair. Initially your nipple sensation might be gone then feel more painful then good This may change to normal is a relatively short period of time or could remain this way indefinitely.            
I have done additional research prompted by a surprising – welcomed change to my breast sensation Turns out that the hormonal charge the begins in your thirties can cause for the sensation to return to normal. “It took mine four years.” If the surgery is done during your thirties it greatly reduces your chances of this occurring My older sisters have confirmed this also
This might be of interest since you're within that age range And having your breasts augmented does not make you any less modest It absolutely does improve your body image, this in your case would seem to be a psychologically sound choice.

I wish you the very best!
Take care
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you will have pain and swelling and possibly an infection.also you will have to learn to live with heavier larger breasts.also your breasts will no longer look or feel real.if you can handle all of these issues then go for it.
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