
birthday party

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Journals about birthday party

908149 tn?1248716219
CA; this really nice girl was complete ***** to me. The whole time. I mean, I was very tir...
908149 tn?1248716219
By sleeping in and waking up the exact minute chels pulled into the driveway. It was just l...
908149 tn?1248716219
In some ways. Actually, I started the day off by bringing in my community service and summe...
908149 tn?1248716219
Halloween was on, too. I begged for him to change the channel. Too late for that ****, ha. ...
908149 tn?1248716219

by Krisiness, Aug 25, 2009
Revolutionary realization! I'm not sure if it's always been there or not, but I jus...