
hospital visit

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Journals about hospital visit

6306704 tn?1380198399

by mcedly, Dec 12, 2013
12/25/2013 Home from Chicago Wedding Trip at 4:00pm. Had angina pain all day, getting worse...
869758 tn?1329522052
So the Dr checks me at my 2 week visit and says your 2cm dilated and having contractios, yo...
1052141 tn?1254587220

by konalove, Oct 05, 2009
Crippled in abdominal pain today... Also, officially dehydrated... that's where all...
1052141 tn?1254587220
...the day went pretty well... I feel really 'wired'. I can't stop talking, and...
908149 tn?1248716219
Shei had her baby. And she's super adorable. A tiny little baby. Shei looked very tired...