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Journals about difficult

1398284 tn?1297156273

by Sic4toolong, Jul 30, 2010
had been doing well cutting way down on smoking, but notice stress is going to make this ex...
1050938 tn?1311553578

by Marisen, Jun 08, 2010
Well, while weight loss is progressing at a slower, but still steady rate, I am noticing to...
1050938 tn?1311553578
It's amazing what the effects of over 18 years of quack studies, fad diets, and the com...
805717 tn?1325160121

by crinklenose, Dec 16, 2009
I have been having trouble sleeping since I stopped taking Risperdal. I have OCD and it was...
537169 tn?1365271999
Well I'm not feeling so great. Everything has become too much and I want to lock mys...