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Vietnam War

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Vietnam War

I am wanting so answers regarding ADD in adults. What are the major symptoms? Does it get m...
Hi, I found the following information on the VA website and thought I'd share it. D...
Hello all, Do you know any information about HIV test in Vietnam. I took HIV ag/ab Com...
I broke up with my ex about two years ago and couple months, in I've been in a realtionship...
MEDS - Anxiety Community
- Jun 21, 2009
I am a Viet vet and the VA has me on so many meds. I am on -VENLAFAXINE-GABAPENTIN-NORYRIPY...
hi every one! I'm from Vietnam and many people in my country are really confused about the ...
I have been diagnosed with PTSD from Iraq, but most recently my last deployment to Afgahnis...
Suicide hot line got calls from 22,000 veterans 2008-07-28 06:21:47 By KATHARINE EUPHRAT ...
My husband, who was a Vietnam Vet was diagnosed and died from cholangiocarcinoma. I have r...
Found this really interesting site about different wars and hepatitis C. www.heathersvete...