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Posts on campfire

Started on June 29th, went to a strip club to see a friends band play and was kissed by a s...
I am having kids, and grandkids over for outside barbeque, pool and fireworks. We can watch...
Hey guys I'm 34 weeks and 2days. I have a rash all over my stomach and its really itchy. Ha...
PONDERISMS... I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most peop...
Well I just found out that hubby got the days off he wanted and we are going fishing from A...
I dont even know where to start,,,,I am very proud of myself and if you would have told me ...
I shouldn't be here right now. I should be at the amusement park with my family, including ...
Hello My daughter is 8 years old/ She has a severe crohn's Disese 'forthe last 8 mont...
I've tried oatmeals, creams, the soap that smells like a campfire, Benadryl. I'm not itchin...
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