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Posts on Gemini

What's your future family's astrology sign? :) Me: Aquarius Baby Daddy: Leo Baby: Sagit...
Has anyone else looked at what zodiac sign their baby will be? If so what sign? I'm not in...
My c section is scheduled for Monday June 2nd can't believe he's finally gonna be home! I k...
What's u an u baby's zodiac sign how many days left and how well do u do with ur baby's zod...
'm A Sagittarian mother soon to have A Virgo daughter. Does anyone know how our compatibili...
I noticed there are a few birthdays lately. Since roughly 1/12 of the population is Gemini...
I know I said I was taking a break; and I am. But, this is shocking and am not sure how ...
Any one else having or got a Gemini baby and been hassled on horoscope and name meanings? M...
Do any of your mommies ever read into your baby's zodiac sign and wonder what they're gonna...