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Posts on Ovulate

im just 20 & my period is super irregular. Havent had it for past 5 mnths. 3 days ago fou...
If you get your period does that mean you are for sure ovulating? Or can you get your peri...
I had a m/c at 7 weeks in nov 10, we got caught first time round of trying, I have pcos and...
Hi Ladies, My DH and I are ttc. RE put me on first round of 50mg clomid CD5-9. On CD 15 ...
Can you tell me if I o'ed? I am so lost, I think I did on the cd26 could it be on the cd 1... question is ....does taking clomid on CD 3-7 and CD 5-9 make any difference? this i...
Hey ladies i have a question. how do you know if you ovulate? i justed started temping this...
So here's the deal ;) Yesterday I was CD9 and got a fairly dark test line on my opk. T...
I am 8cd and had my last of dose of Clomid yesterday. When will I ovulate I don't want to m...
Hi, I am a 21 year old female in good health. However, I have always had an unpredictabl...