will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Journals about Chest

1348353 tn?1362162454
Morning was fine, energy seemed to be back. Synthroid dosage was 137. Did a morning 2.5 K...
4214530 tn?1351162218
Insomnia's back, sick feeling to stomach and guts, tenseness in chest, tightness in thr...
4186692 tn?1350823288

by hesterbox, Oct 23, 2012
It is a week since I had the ablation and I've had the best day so far. I'm very a...
4186692 tn?1350823288

by hesterbox, Oct 23, 2012
I felt pretty chirpy when I woke up at 7.00am this morning as i slept rather soundly althou...
4186692 tn?1350823288

by hesterbox, Oct 22, 2012 - 1 Comment
I have felt much better today. I think a big part of it is being more accepting of how my ...
4186692 tn?1350823288

by hesterbox, Oct 21, 2012 - 2 Comments
I am awake at 2.43am. I often wake in the wee small hours. I haven't slept consistent...
3199582 tn?1345292899
Today is august 17th I took my very last quarter of a 10mg pill and I'm also taking ALL...
769745 tn?1345746412

by Julie2957, Jun 22, 2012
It started with my left side of my neck, the vien started to left inside of my...
2792668 tn?1340126001

by gingerstidd, Jun 19, 2012 - 1 Comment
I have burning, in back of neck, base of skull. Hands and fingers are slightly constricted...
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by eiryn, May 15, 2012
I went to the hospital for severe shortness of breath and sharp frequent pain in my right r...