
airport scanner

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on airport scanner

this is my first time flying since I've been pregnant. Are the body scanners safe?
My daughter has a Hakim VP programmable shunt since year 2011.she never go for any flight a...
This is not a question or even a strictly medical issue, but I thought I would share my exp...
My husband has been complaining with this pain slightly to left of shoulder blade. The othe...
Hello mammas!! I'm very curious as to the airport screening they have. I'm 5 weeks and f...
I work at the airport when I come in to work I have to go threw a big metal detector would ...
I had a marker placed in my breast during a core biopsy. It is very small. Do I need to rep...
I need to fly from Southern CA to St. Louis, Missouri next month. But I am concern about th...
This will be the first time since I am on copaxone that I will be traveling...I am going to...
Two years ago I broke my left forearm down the middle playing football. Both bones broke a...