
Nasopharyngeal culture

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Nasopharyngeal culture

DR, Hunter Wanted to thank you for the expert advice, and helping me to have peace of mi...
hi guys.. does any one knows how long it takes to do a gonnorhea culture test ( the samples...
I had a sore spot on my labia minora that was painful but no itching or oozing of anykind. ...
I believe I can’t socialize well for quite a long time, maybe three or four years. When I w...
Ok around the 8 of october my vagina was starting to itch like crazy and I figured I had a ...
February 2009: I presented to my physician with irritation inside my vagina, a swab was tak...
So This is going to be a bit long winded, I apologize in advance.... I had used an old razo...
Posted a few months ago, but forgot to ask specifically about negative culture tests. If th...
I was on amoxicillin for a UTI, how long should I be off of the antibiotic before getting a...
On Sept 26 i went and got tested all results came back negatvie but i had a UTI. Took medic...