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Journals about faces

908149 tn?1248716219
Much better than yesterday. Well it's the end of the night and I feel much better. Last...
908149 tn?1248716219
Mostly out of my teenage awkward stage, I'll admit I had a ton of fun making lemonade a...
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by michelepuppet, Apr 29, 2009
I woke up this morning after haveing a creepy dream, I was dronwing a mouse to feed to my s...
765828 tn?1306263868

by hyeyung, Apr 03, 2009
;;sigh. My eyes are burning when I try to wear my contacts. I see better with my contacts...
765828 tn?1306263868
I am sooo tired. It's the kind of tired where you're body is physical exhausted bu...