
IMRT radiation

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on IMRT radiation

My father-in-law, age 65, was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer (pT3 N0 M0). Some e...
My father-in-law, age 65, was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer (T3b N0 M0). Some e...
I have recurrent ovarian cancer Stage IA Stage 3 with Brca1. I had surgery to remove a tum...
Is there anyone posting that has finished their IMRT radiation treatments, that can just sh...
Age 78 PSA 4.1 T2c Gleason's 7 4 out of the 12 biopsies had cancer =============== Th...
I'm 8 weeks post prostate removal. Had Gleason 6- Margins were clear in pathology report....
My brother 51 year old had a expl laporotomy on 15 feb 2010, a single lymph node in the ome...
Hi, I had a surgery in May, 2007 to remove a brain tumor ( craniopharyngioma ). It has r...
I know that some bleeding from the rectum happens because of radiation proctitis, but is th...
Hi, I need some prayers. I’m having my 1st radiation treatment for the 1 ½ inch tumor on my...