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Posts on marathons

I have just been diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. I am 49 and presented to my MD afte...
Hi, I am 32 years old male. I have high blood pressure for last 10 years and I am taking At...
I have an ascending aortic aneurysm measuring approximately 5 cm (most recent CT scan measu...
Getting moving as a group is often easier than going it alone. What group get-fit activitie...
Hi, I want to know if i can adopt jogging as my daily exercise if i am diabetic. I have ...
So, a little background. I have ran 2 marathons, 6 half marathons, last one being Nov ‘16. ...
I am a 64 yo runner (including marathons) who started noticing racing heart rates on occasi...
...By Running 366 Marathons In 365 Days
I had two retinal tears in my left eye that were treated with a laser. My question is would...