
The Beatles

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Posts on The Beatles

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a har...
maybe you had a favorite in the 60's, 70's & 80's or if you are younger more recent decades...
Just got my daughter (11.5 yrs) home from camp. I haven't seen her since last Wed...way to...
Which name and why?
Hi, I made day 4 however didn't go to work so that made it easier. I listened to that song ...
I thought it would be fun if we could think of all of the songs that have a woman's or man'...
Hi...does the song 'White Rabbit' by Jefferson Starship Airplane have any special meaning f...
I'm strongly considering the name Jude, but am nervous that the name is getting to popular....
My kids got Rock Band for the holidays. I don't know if any of you know what this is, but ...
I saw (er, stole the idea) from another msg. board. Here's the game and rules: "It works...