
Self help

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Journals about Self help

3060903 tn?1398565123
Life’s Evening by Samuel Burnham Year 1860 : Online @ the following address. Passages ...
1316708 tn?1310916182
Some examples of common negative messages that people repeat over and over to themselves in...
1316708 tn?1310916182
Sometimes people confuse aggressiveness with assertiveness, seeing that both types of behav...
685562 tn?1447155231

by jakegorzen, Dec 09, 2008
What can I say? Through all of this anxiety, GAD OCD, that Ive recently developed, I'v...
636568 tn?1236806808

by cb2_pl, Oct 01, 2008
Today I am struggling. I am having "thoughts". Feeling depressed as well... and e...