
stroke prevention

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on stroke prevention

That's the new oral anticoagulant that's been making its way to FDA approval, which was fin...
I was looking for some information. Can you a doctor diagnose symptoms for the following co...
As we continue into this election year, healthcare has been prominent among the major issue...
My patient had an ischemic stroke 1 month ago. ECG shows sinus rhythm, echo: mildly dilated...
i was having sex and the condom slipped and i jumped out but immidietly after jumping out i...
Female-44years old. My MRI images of the brain reveal a few small focal signal abnormalitie...
After a Patient has had a 7 bypass and 13 years later a 3 bypass, should blood thinners be ...
I often fear that one day I might face a heart attack or a stroke. If my blood pressure ele...
Is it possible to have one stroke, and never have a second or third? I had a stroke 2 year...
can perifial vision be corrected
My uncle got stroke due to high Blood pressure 45 days ago & get into comma & unconsious ti...
Hi everyone, My dad had a stroke 27 years ago. He's been taking 325mg Aspirin daily ever...
My Dad who is 77 has been on Coumadin since 2005 after a DVT following surgery, He also has...