
speech pathology

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on speech pathology

Hi everyone, does anyone who suffers from Hashimoto's thyroiditis have tongue issues that h...
My son is almost 5 years old. I brought hin to see psychologist and paedetrician in S'pore ...
So, around this time last year I experienced tingling in my left hand that lasted for a few...
I'm in Limboland and having trouble swallowing: takes 3x to get pills down; foods go up in...
Pathology report shows infiltrating mammary carcinoma, no special type, low combined histol...
Hi there, finally got the path reports back. I'm ALL CLEAR! Thank God. I just want to th...
On needle biopsy stated i had adh and borderline dcis on excisional biopsy it was not their...
i'm a 35 yr old single mother. i started getting this horrible sharp pain in the back of my...
my daughter received a head injury in the service, started out with headaches then numbness...
Right side brain biopsy March 25 2010. Pathology inconclusive. Inoperable location. Physi...