
Vietnam Vet

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Vietnam Vet

Please send me any and all information for the correlation between Agent Orange and Gliobla...
It is the holiday of the Indy 500 - and dragging out the barbecue or heading to the lake. W...
During the first urological exam... Urinary Urgency Problems... Everything seems to be ...
Here in the US it is Memorial Day, a holiday that has morphed into all sorts of different m...
I am a Viet Nam combat vet. iam totaly disabled from wounds and injury from Vietnam. My p...
The flAKES fall constantly from my forehead into my eyes my fingers get sore from them some...
Hi all, Have been sick as a dog..ER visits; a week in ICU, implantable loop recorder but ...
Is there any Vietnam Era veterans that have been compensated for Hep C. I was station in G...
Are there any studies or findings that Agent Orange caused hashimotos disease? I am the dau...
On April 14, my brother was told his liver cancer had spread to his blood vessels and bones...