
surviving stroke

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on surviving stroke

My mother had a severe stroke due to blood clot in blood of vessel brain,at age 40 leaving ...
Stroke - Stroke Community
- May 26, 2014
Hi my grandma had a stroke Saturday. We are not sure when she had it but we think it was 18...
1 week ago my 41 year old brother suffered a massive Ischemic Stroke in the right side of h...
My mother-in-law 71 yrs old had open heart/bypass surgery 2 weeks ago tomorrow, after surge...
How long does it take for a patient to recover his memory after a stroke? When will the mem...
my mother died after having a cancer operation and surviving the cancer twice before she ha...
I wanna ask if we can fully recover from ADEM?my sister is said to have this disease and sh...
As of late some of my symptoms have been coming back. I attribute this to jogging two weeks...
My dad was taken to the ER in state of cardiac arrest following exposure to carbamate pesti...
What is the long term prognosis for a 78 yo suffering a hemorrhage ( 4-5cm) of the basal ga...