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Posts on proctitis

I went to a Gastroentologist in January for a colonoscopy. He said I had proctitis and tha...
I'm not sure I'm posting in the correct subcategory, but after a lot of reading I'm hoping ...
I posted a question a few weeks back and never rec'd. any I have a few more t...
Hi, Here I posted a question: I hoped a medical...
I am a female that was given herpes through anal sex. It caused proctitis, but there were n...
I had believed I had ulcerative colitis for a few years and the dr. tells me yesterday I ha...
41 yo female..2 yr hx of stomach issues-bloating, bright red blood after straining, rectal ...
My case: I am a gay male who 2 months ago had anal intercourse for the first time with a...
Dr., I posted a query about a week ago and have a few follow up questions. I contracte...
I am 32 year old female who 3 years ago following a small amount of blood and mucous had a ...