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exercise tracker

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Journals about exercise tracker

1998885 tn?1328568555

by talonoflight, Jan 23, 2012
Walked from bus to bus just to go to the library
1977080 tn?1342115271

by ToriHuizar, Jan 08, 2012
Was really hard to do this!
Avatar universal

by elsalynn, Jan 01, 2012
It is my goal to be in the FBI someday. Right now I am working on finishing my Criminal Ju...
1517298 tn?1290718883

by runninron71238, Dec 19, 2011
I really hate to admit it, but the more I run the more it hurts. I probably should retire f...
1316680 tn?1309979792

by sdurelle, May 29, 2011
Went running again tonight, this time we pushed a little further between walking breaks and...
1060459 tn?1305560258

by mike07210, May 16, 2011
1643508 tn?1301499861

by taebofreak, Mar 30, 2011
I walked in neighborhood as usual. It was cool. A neighbor told me I need to pick up the p...
1610069 tn?1298246904

by oceantinkbarbie, Mar 06, 2011
Since Feb. 26th, I've incorporated occasional bike riding into my exercise regimen. I&#...
1610069 tn?1298246904

by oceantinkbarbie, Feb 26, 2011
I've been walking for 25 minutes after dinner every day since I came home from the hosp...
1550971 tn?1294089231

by dunke1jr23, Jan 05, 2011
I decided today was my resting day for the eliptical. My legs were jello during basketball ...