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Posts on sphincter

In 7/2011, I had pressure in my chest. I was sent to a cardiologist. I had a normal stress...
Well, as many of you know, I lost the urge to defecate years ago. So, tomorrow, I am schedu...
About 4 1/2 weeks ago, I had blunt trauma to eye in a sporting event. My opponent accident...
I just got back results from my Motility Study. I have been having a dysphagia, chest pains...
Hi, I haven't been in here in a very long time. I think, not since the G.I. Doc at CC almo...
I have been suffering with the sudden onset of very sharp pain after swallowing, when the f...
Hello all, I've recently started suspecting that I have bile reflux. My gallbladder mysteri...
If penentrive anal sex does not go beyond the sphincter, is it safe for both partys? STD wi...
I am a 22 year old caucasian male. I noticed this morning some minor discomfort on the ext...
Hey there, I am a gay man and exactly 28 days ago I had a casual encounter with a bisexu...