

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on swan-ganz

I am trying to figure out why I have shortness of breath, chest tightness and bad spirometr...
I was told that I have a systolic murmur. Is a leaky valve associated with the blood pressu...
My recent Chest X-Ray reported Progressive Cardiomegaly which promoted an Echo. What doe...
anyone out there with mitochondral disorder???I would love to hear from you
I have CHF which has been stable for over 1 year. Have bi-vent pacer. EF%25%. Diagnosed ...
FYI... just information sharing here. Volunteers Sought for "Chemo Brain" Study Posted...
After suffering with AFIB for a year and a half, I was referred to an EP here in Michigan. ...
It is hard for me to believe that today is day 30 for me and congrats to Swan too on her ...
I just got a Pap smear done today. The insertion didn’t hurt, but the swan was so invredibl...
Is it normal to have like a ball of tissue blocking the vagina ???