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Posts on sympathetic

We've discussed the topic of the differential diagnosis of anxiety states in dysautonomia i...
Hi, I have been diagnosed with an overactive autonomic nervous system - a problem someho...
I have reason to believe that my ANS is seriously out of balance. Any advice for effecti...
I have a theory - that damage to or chronic swelling of the nasal turbinates results in a r...
I was recently diagnosed with RSD after an injury to my wrist (fall on outstretched hand). ...
RSD - Neurology Community
- Jul 31, 2008
My daughter, 10 years, has RSD in her left ankle and had a neurostimulator implanted in Jun...
For diagnostic reason how long does the Facet Nerve Block normally last in stopping the pa...
I was diagnosed with RSD several months ago when I had symptoms in my right arm and hand af...
I have some strange pain going on that morphine isn't making go away. It is like an ice cre...
My Question is What type of Doctor to do I go to for a burning sensation in top of leg on s...