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Posts on trigeminal

Hello! I've been experiencing symptoms for over a month now. I'm scheduled to see a Neurolo...
Hello! I've been experiencing symptoms for over a month now. I'm scheduled to see a Neurolo...
Has anyone seen a relationship between trigeminal neuralgia and chronic migraines?
I am a 35 year old female. In early 2012 I thought I had a toothache due to shooting and b...
Is there anyone that has a child diagnosed with a Trigeminal schwanomma? My now 14 year old...
Has anyone heard of them.. I found this site (actually by accident), but I am wondering if ...
I have had Trigeminal Neuralgia for about a year now. At first it was severe, more the type...
My 23 year old son has herpetic trigeminal neuropathy-he needs an expert. He has been to n...
Hi, I have had a goiter for 8 years. It has been biopsied four times, all benign. Althoug...
I had a fall 5 years ago and hurt my L chin. I had cortisone shots for 3 years to alleviat...