
side of tongue

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on side of tongue

I just noticed yesterday a little white bump on the side of my tongue, and I am freaking ou...
Ok thank you all in advance for whatever help you can give. About a week and a half ago I w...
It started around last friday-saturday, on the left side at the back of my mouth, on the si...
Any ever had a yiny white/red bump on side of tongue with no pain? I am a former smokeless...
Is there any connection between burning mouth and GERDS. Also I broke out in hives when I ...
Hello, I am a 19yr old female and have recently noticed whilst inspecting my mouth that I h...
Hello, For the past few months I've had a problem on the very back, right-side of my ton...
Hi, I've noticed that there is a long vein that has appeared on the sides of my tongue ...
Hello, Has anyone else experienced a sore, swollen tongue and swollen and painful saliva...
20 years ago, I had a mucocele removed from the underside of my tongue at the base, NOT the...
I was given a 2 week course of Zantac to be taken morning and evening for two weeks. Immedi...
white patches on side of tongu