
Cerebrospinal Fluid

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Cerebrospinal Fluid

I'm a 24 year old, relatively healthy male, and I recently (about a week ago) contracted th...
Personal background: 28 year old female, average height and weight (5'5", 165lbs), nearsigh...
My first appointment with my Neurologist was on August 17th. At that time he ordered an EE...
I had a dura tear after lumbar surgery ..... I had a CSF drain placed. Spinal fluid conti...
Hi, Quix. I had one question. I noticed everyone saying high protein level. The only t...
About 3 mths. ago, I started to become dizzy, my general doctor had me on vertigo medicine,...
Is there any immunity (or any way to measure such) after a bout with viral encephalitis?