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Journals about hamburger

908149 tn?1248716219

by Krisiness, Aug 03, 2010
Shithead and the twins off a camp this morning and came home. I watched 3 episodes of Dexte...
908149 tn?1248716219
Coughing all day, and the pain is just reaching an extra annoying level. Just scratchy. I&#...
908149 tn?1248716219

by Krisiness, Apr 15, 2010
Expect that I really am. I got a 100% on a worksheet, and it brought my grade down 4 points...
908149 tn?1248716219
But it was simpler today, there were no ferret footprints, there was no ferret outside. Chi...
908149 tn?1248716219

by Krisiness, Jul 04, 2009
thinking back, I didn't do much of anything today. I woke up late, ate myself a sandwic...