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Mt St Leonard's, Toolangi, Australia  7am sunrise Feb 15 2011
Mt St Leonard's, Toolangi, Australia  7am sunrise Feb 15 2011
Comments (3)
219241 tn?1413537765
redheadaussie, Feb 14, 2011
Behold! In front of your eyes is the majestic and world famous Yarra Valley!  Unfortunately you can not see the Melbourne CBD skyline in the far distance due to the fog and haze. (It isn't smog by the way, eat your heart out L.A., USA!) This mountain is a 1200 metre (3,937 feet) high one and I hiked at least half of it to the look out tower. Woke up at 4am this morning and couldn't sleep, thought, 'Bugger it! I am going to see the sunrise up the mountain I can see from my house!' So off I went, with dog.  Pretty cool for a half dead 99% of the time wacky woman, hey!
1157646 tn?1343967128
Nat_16, Feb 14, 2011
I love this pic as well!!!!!

The Yarra Valley is amazing!  
1445110 tn?1388209711
HessyKat, Feb 14, 2011
Very Beautiful!