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Randy and Earl too stupid to take cover.
Randy and Earl too stupid to take cover.
Comments (6)
5986700 tn?1380791380
spider6, Dec 13, 2013
eeeeyup, it be snowin here in Stayner, Ontario.
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msdelight, Dec 13, 2013
Are those sheep?
5986700 tn?1380791380
spider6, Dec 13, 2013
Ya, that's Randy and Earl, my fraternal twin pet sheep. lol......they look more like cows.
3197167 tn?1348968606
clean_in_ks, Dec 13, 2013
Your land reminds me a lot of our land, Spidey.....though we haven't had that amount of snow here "yet"....I have a couple of pics from Feb of last year I put up that remind me of yours.  When it was 8 degrees here last week and drivin down our road, I said to my hubby, "Dang, I'm SO GLAD I'm not a cow!!!!!"...hahaha....he thinks I'm crazy..and I I look at Randy and Earl...I'm also glad I'm not a sheep...LOL
5986700 tn?1380791380
spider6, Dec 13, 2013
hahaha, ya I know.......glad I'm not a sheep either.  One thing they have going for them is that I didn't get them
sheared this year.  They are so overweight (big) my shearer dude needs help here to do the job and I couldn't get anyone to
help so I had to cancel him.  If they don't know you, they're pretty nuts!  Last year, Randy ploughed through
my daughters legs and as she's so tiny, he picked her up and rammed her into the opposing stable wall.  She was okay
but....yikes.... crazy *** sheep.
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msdelight, Dec 13, 2013
Stupid city girl. I thought they looked more like Buffalo than cows or sheep!!