will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
second yr. clean thxgiving.
second yr. clean thxgiving.
Comments (10)
6990909 tn?1435275816
jugglin, Nov 13, 2014
Love this pic are so beautiful!
5986700 tn?1380791380
spider6, Nov 13, 2014
Omg...please honey don't say that....I hate my face so it's hard for me to accept compies,....I used take 2hrs to get ready for work in my 20's..,..beautiful people don't need that much ..besides I've got other assets, like my personslitie(s) hahaha, and if that doesn't work....I still have a great @ss! Love you Juggabug! xoxo
6990909 tn?1435275816
jugglin, Nov 13, 2014
My dear friend...that smile is INFECTIOUS and I LOVE your hair.  If I look like you in a few years I would feel blessed. Your spirit just shines through girl and you are BEAUTIFUL!  SO there.
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msdelight, Nov 13, 2014
I second that comment!
5986700 tn?1380791380
spider6, Nov 13, 2014
Wow...stop it...really.   Lola!!!! Lovely lady Lola! Sweet songbird from the south of me,.....Lola !   How you be sista..,you and Juggabug and. ONI all have real jobs and I. Be left all alone !, lol jk.....,you can go out and have a real life....luv yas
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msdelight, Nov 13, 2014
If I lived on a farm, especially yours, and could work on art and music,  commiserate with the land and sky,  I would be very happy.  Real life and real jobs and real people are highly over rated. Working at this tier one trauma center is jading my world. People are just out there stabbing and shooting the **** out of each other every single day . This is the cold hard real world and I had no idea. I think its getting to me.
1580318 tn?1550254481
Shannon79, Nov 13, 2014
What a beautiful lady you are, Spidey!

And not just on the outside, but the inside too. Your spirit shines so bright
1742220 tn?1331356727
meegWpaw, Nov 18, 2014
i love this photo too ... for some reason i thought i had seen this before ... i love you Spider!  you are beautiful.  what an artist, i can see it in your expression.  hey listen now, you got to see my azz, so um ... ya like what up????  :)  hope your doin aite baby  <3
547913 tn?1317355667
jimi1822, Jan 17, 2015
Great picture, nice scarf ⚓️
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katmandu516, Jan 31, 2015
Great pic...You both look so happy..:)