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first sitting ..spooky forest
first sitting ..spooky forest
Comments (6)
1580318 tn?1550254481
Shannon79, Mar 02, 2015
Did you paint that Spidey?
5986700 tn?1380791380
spider6, Mar 02, 2015
ya ....I still have to go in and do detail work......doesn't look like much yet.
1580318 tn?1550254481
Shannon79, Mar 02, 2015
Doesn't look like much yet?!?!

It's stunning Spidey!
5986700 tn?1380791380
spider6, Mar 02, 2015
okay, now you are just embarassing me.....there's this little girl on-line....I have to give her props...her name is Amy Pearce and she does all kinds of cool quick little painting projects for free.....herartintheattic  ...I'll find it...
anyways.....I was so blocked up a few months ago, I was looking for inspiration anywhere ......I found her and I've done
a couple of her projects....she helped me claw out of my funk so to speak.  She deserves cred.  check her out....she does so many different things sings, acts.  lol ..... I love the internet.
6990909 tn?1435275816
jugglin, Mar 02, 2015
This is gorgeous!
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Mar 02, 2015
I LOVE this.  I would buy it as is.  