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Asthma and Allergy Forum

This forum is for questions and support regarding: Allergies, Asthma, Chronic Cough, Sinusitis, and other Respiratory Disorders.
i have big nasal polyps throughout my nose and can be seen hanging when i open my mouth near throat area.....how can it be cured???can it...
I had a skin problem which was not diagnosed for five years in my country and later treated and diagnosed as dissecting cellulitis of sca...
i feel like something is closing on my throat and supressing my lungs no matter how deeply i inhale from my mouth (nose blocked from mucu...
Doctors have done tests but find that I'm allergic to nothing. But ever since i was a child, I've had an allergic reaction after getting ...
I have been laying on my back during the day wide awake and sit up choking gasping for air and coughing does so in my sleep and when awak...
Hello. My daughter is constantly coughing all night . She has been given a blue inhaler but it doesn't seem to be helping . is there anyt...
Popular Resources
Find out what causes asthma, and how to take control of your symptoms.
Find out if your city is a top "allergy capital."
Find out which foods you should watch out for.
If you’re one of the 35 million Americans who suffer from hay fever, read on for what plants are to blame, where to find them and how to get relief.
Allergist Dr. Lily Pien answers Medhelp users' most pressing allergy-related questions
When you start sniffling and sneezing, you know spring has sprung. Check out these four natural remedies to nix spring allergies.