712964 tn?1287076618


ok so every one was right my husband aka ex husband has been beatin on me for a year  and 4 monthsi was just to scared to say sumthin so he beat the hell out of me 3 weeks ago and threaten to kill our 3 month old daughter of course he wouldnt do anything like that to his son but anyways i can bearly support my daughter so wat do i do im tryin to brush everything off but  im only 20 wat do i do im scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 Responses
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1473587 tn?1286951405
I'm glad you left. Its never a good thing to stay. Something can happen to you and/or your child. Peace be with you. ~C
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712964 tn?1287076618
well all said and done we left were justt fine i have a new boyfriend now and i love him hes so sweet and hes great wid my daughter
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I totaly get where you coming from I have been in ur shoes in somewhat way . My husband beat to a point where I miscarried my baby. You need to b smart ..... First thing is first get to a safe place family is the best choice. Then learn self defence cuz if the ******* can say he will hurt his own child can do any thing..... He has power over you take that away and he's got nothing .... From the sound of you are in need of money soo  there are many government programs that can help. Like everyone said run but run in a way that won't be able to catch u  ....one more thing DON'T SHOW UR FEARS..... He WILL use them against you ...... Good luck hun
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1332471 tn?1275512887
You deserve better than too be treat like that :(
Get you and your children out as fast as you can, there are women shelters about, or if you have friends, or maybe family members...he's no man! He's evil! and he's certainly doesn't merit too be a father!  and as sunkitty80 said you should contact the authoritie... Take it too court and tell them he's threatend too kill your 3 month baby and it sounds like your badley bruised when you said you can barley suport your daughter so you also have proof that he has abused you... Dont let this go on any longer just stay safe and dont let this idiot hurt you any more.... Please keep posted good luck
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Please, please, run, don't walk and get you and your children out of there before something worse happens to you.  You are only 20 and have your whole life ahead of you and it's time for you to get away.  As the other posts say, talk with a friend, (maybe one that he doesn't know) or family, or a shelter.  Also, you may want to contact the atuhorities and get a protection order, or restraining order against him since he is so violent with you. I had to take a restraining order out on my ex and it was the best thing that I ever did.  A restraining order shouldn't be hard to get since he's threatening to kill you and has beat you.  You just tell the judge that and it should be granted.  

Please be safe and keep posting so we know how you are doing.

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Why in the world would you divorce some jerk for abusing you and then be with him again?  Do you know what kind of affect this has on your child?  They can feel distress.  And what makes you so sure that this idiot wouldn't hurt your son, he beats women, doesn't he?  Any man that beats on a woman is NOT A MAN, and is capable of anything.  You would be wise to look up some case studies on the internet about guys who have said they would kill someone and the wife didn't think that he would.  They WILL DO IT!

There are battered women's shelters in every state.  You can go to one and he cannot find you, and they will help you get on your feet, help you get jobs, get independent, help you by taking care of the kids while you either go to school or find work.  They have a TON of services that will help a battered woman.  They can help you get your own place, and even help you get a place in a different town if need be.

There is NO REASON to be putting up with this kind of abuse, and there is NO REASON to be putting your kids in danger.  Get out.
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757137 tn?1347196453
Just because you feel he wont kill his son, doesn't insure that he won't. You have too much at stake. Hie yourself to a battered women's shelter. They will help you out.
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You are so young and it is frightening to think of suddenly leaving all you have struggled to hold on to in hopes things would get better to the unknown "out there" in a shelter.

In the meantime, do you have family or friends that could take you in temporarily while you make the tough decisions?  Getting a restraining order would be one way to try protect yourself.  Not letting the ex know where you are staying so he could harass you or try manipulate you to feel guilty or promise you the moon & how he will change if you just come back......

If he has threatened to kill....that is serious.  To try polish it any other way is to hurt yourself in your ability to tell what is truth and put you, your daugher at risk..  Your reaching out in the forum is the cry of your heart to be free from this mess.  What ever you plan to do, you must act normal until you make the get away.  Having someone that can be the go between until you have a lawyer would be safer than you trying to communicate directly with your ex while he is in this dangerous frame of mind.

The choice is yours.  I know what it is like to leave to somewhere unknown with only the clothes on your back.  Once you get help, your thoughts/feelings/emotions healing and straightened enough to get clarity, you will see new hope and a better future.

Praying for you in having the courage to make the right choice,

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535822 tn?1443976780
Dont pack just leave ...
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535822 tn?1443976780
How will you feel if he does kill your child , you will have to live with it for the rest of your life , that you actually allowed it to happen , but it doesnt have to happen ...leave now this minute dont think ..get out  if you have nowhere to go call child services they will know , google Battered womens shelter and your area ..So please just do it ... now ...let us know how you are doing, do not be afraid you will be forever glad ..protect your child , it will not change it will get worse ...ASAP pack and GO
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