380309 tn?1246467740

Why does it always have to be me?

Why does it fall on me to always be the 1st for everything?
73 Responses
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243614 tn?1266197537
Because people like you, gosh darn it.  You rock girl!  ha ha I think i mentioned a new thread several days ago and Ibizan, you said let's make it 6 feet long.   I thought  oh okay.  Well, this will be alot less scrolling for awhile anyway.   Summer time in the Cascade mountains, woohoo.  We finally got it and it's staying. yippee yay!
I love it.  Seems like my outlook on everything, my mood so to speak is lots better this week.  I almost feel normal.  And i don't want a drink.  Praise the Lord on that one.
You girls have a great Friday, well i know it won't be exactly great for you Terry with the leg thang, can't they take it off today for crying out loud!    Getcha a green tea girls and we will drink to each other.   Hugs, Tonya
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380309 tn?1246467740
You know this one won't last long either, we'll be switching in about 2 wks. again. How can we maybe exchage e-mail info w/eachother w/out evryone having access? Then we could IM. This coming week will be my week I'm claiming it! That's my story and I'm stickin to it. Ya'll will see!!!! Pool here I come!!! Hugs back Terry puck puck legs lololol.
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it got 2 b 18 feet long..man can u girls shoot the breeze!TGIF.....gonna go get Starbucks today after court hearing......sobriety is good eh girls?got BIG barb-qued turkey leg last nite...no lil chickn legs for me!:))))))
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243614 tn?1266197537
whoa 18feet long!!! that's alot of scrolling.   I like that positive attitude Terry.  Claiming this coming week.  Sounds right on to me!  Ibi, that turkey leg ought to hold you a day or two, huh?  It is only 8:12 a.m. here but now you went and made me think of one of those starbuck green teas., dang it! ha ha  I am sure i will have to make a tea run in awhile.  Terry, the pics. are great.  I don't know, if they will take it off or not? but, i will sened you a note with my email address on it. Tonya
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380309 tn?1246467740
I'll figure out tnite how to xchange info. Gonna take a nappy b4 wk,been up since 5:15,This thang does not make for comfortable sleeping,,,and other thangs! Catch ya's tnite girls. Have a GREAT DAY!!!!! Terry  (P.S Tonya got a couple notes but my e-mail to you was sent back) will fix it later OTAY.
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243614 tn?1266197537
R U off to see your Mother on Saturday?  I hope you find her improved and come away with a better feeling this go round and also with a green ice tea/lemonade for the drive back home. :>)  let us know.  We wil be off to Portand tomorrow to see our baby's first
dance recital.   I bet we break up laughting as she is a pistol packin little momma.
She hears music and gets her groove on.   She is 4 and is most cetainly a mess.  But, we sure do love her.  Have a great weekend.   Hugs to you and Bandida.  Tonya
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mom turned 90 yestday....was refusing phone calls at home.Dunno whassup with that..my bro went to see her they had cake for her at 2....no call from him back....for all of us it is sad to see her discomfort...struggle with this damn dementia and loss of bodily functions.Will go see her next Sat...she has a visitors schedule with family...doesn't handle more than one atta time.Went to court today for lady who got custody back of her son.I know..and she knows she lied to me about her drinking amount....but we get on well.I looked her square in eye and said come back if u need us...stay out of the damn bars and watch that alcohol....it has COST u so much...she teared up.....we locked eyes...we both knew the deal!Went to S'Bucks after for my fav tea and got clerical gal a mocha java chip frappucino!glad to be home with these critters!
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380309 tn?1246467740
G'mornin, What a milestone for your Mom Yesterday! So sorry for her and your family that she is in the condition she's in. I'm sure she does'nt want it to be this way. As much as I miss my own Mother, I am grateful to God that she did not suffer in anyway any longer than she did. God Bless our Mothers and us mothers...we're a wonderful breed of our own. You're a good person and I'll tell you if you stood up for me like you did that Lady..I would never let you down!  I hope she does her part and toes the line. Shes owes it to herself, to you, but especially her SON!  Gotta wk today but I'll be checking back later. Tootles. Terry   (P.S. TJack , have a great time t'day and take some pic's of the rising starlet!)
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this ageing stuff and watching our parents get elderly and fall apart stinks and yet i know its the cycle of life....phoooey!Just talked to my bro and they got her outta the room to eat cake on her 90th so that good.as for the Lady...i sure hope she tows the line..her son is a handful..and i know she can DRINK>>>.she knows i know!many fib about it naturally at first.....and if she comes back we have a good rapport...so i hope she does what she must!is that ankle healing up at all?
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380309 tn?1246467740
Yeah, ankles slooowly getting better,got a few more days of keflex. But the cause of it must go!!! Even my P.O. said yah Terry it will probrably get better and look better by the time the judge see's it if he has to (hence the pic's) but he and I and everyone else knows that it will just start all over again if this thing does'nt get taken off. I'm certain it will be off by next week. Tom mentioned last nite that we might just call the newspaper and inform them of a potential story here. Bet I'd have attorney's falling all over this to get a shot at a suit! Just recently here in this town a teacher got in trouble for using democracy in her classroom (kindergarten) to vote an autistic boy out of the class for being disruptive. You may have heard about it. Well she's already got a Palm Beach attorney filing a suit. Whatever it takes I'll do. Someone has to stand up for our rights which are slowly being taken away right under our noses.I'm a fighter believe me!!!!!
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243614 tn?1266197537
Slept in a little this morning.  Doesn't look like you two did though.  Up and at em!
Having my coffee and relaxing a little before i have to hit the shower and the road north.
I kind of like that idea on called a reporter Terry.  That would certainly get the ball rolling.
If things don't go right with this judge you need to go straight to the newspaper office.
But, surely the pictures, even if the wound is healed, ought to be all the judge needs to see.  A letter from the dr. saying this is going to happen again would help too.
Ibizan, i hope that woman gets her act together for her son.  She knows in her heart and soul that you are counting on her.  Maybe that will weigh on her mind.
I am glad your Mom did have her birthday cake.  90, quite a milestone.  Hope your brother has a good report on the day when you talk with him.
Frappacino. ummmmmmmmm  sounds good.  I had a carmal latte blended the other day with 3 splenda in it, yummy!  
Have a good weekend girls.  I will check in tomorrow when i get back home.  Tonya
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a reporter would love to get his mitts on the raw chicken legs story!pics and all!yes i hope lady gets her act 2 gether....but for the most part the denial of the alcohol problem rules..and misery is what gets folks 2 sober up as we well know....time will tell!talked to bro...mom fairly chipper but will not leave her room....bureaucratic snafus of portable oxygen unit plus her embarrasment of never knowing when she has to go.....i don't want to live 2 b 90!
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243614 tn?1266197537
Good Morning girls.  No post this morning.  Guess neither one of you had any news.
I am wondering how your ankle is Terry?  Are you to see the judge today?  Post the news.  How are you ibizan?  Hope your Monday will be a good one.  
Our little one danced her heart out.  She was all smiles too.  Glad we made the trip up there.  
Ibi, your Mom must have lived a pretty healthy active life.  Those are the ones that make it to 90, or that is true in my husbands family.  None of my family have made it that far.We just have to take what God gives us on that one.  He knows when our time is up.  
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nothing new and unusual here other than dodging raindrops,thunderstorms and tornado warnings to get yardwork done!yes she had a pretty active life my mom...a difficult one...a strong woman...she is my prayer God give me the serenity and strength to be like her!she's been quite the role model.....amazing stamina and mental strength....we just hafta take what we get on a daily basis..like it or not...and lately its been not but i take it anyway for i have no choice!:)this new greyhound boy of mine is a hoot.neighbor lady brought over huge piece of fresh stawberry pie with coolwhip on it...as i was carrying it to fridge mr.Tallboy quickly with great aim grabbed a lick of coolwhip and 3 berries with one felt tongueswoop!he was quite proud of himself!he is my Serendipity man!:)
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243614 tn?1266197537
I thought for sure you were going to tell me He got the whole thing. haha   He just needed a taster!  
You aren't anywhere near the Ms. river are You?  Those poor folks, what a disaster.
Seems like between that and the horrid tornados day after day it has really been devastating for alot of folks.  
I have been reading The  AA Book.  Gosh it is good.  Good good stuff in there.  I don't know why i have put off really delving into it.  I did read the 12 step right away.  
Anyway, i am hooked now and i will be picking it up every chance I get.  I meet with my sponsor tomorrow 45 min. before meeting.  She is sweet, but firm.  
Remember in the future, hold the PIE way up High. haha
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380309 tn?1246467740
As The Shackle Turns......STARRING LIL MISS CHICKEN LEGS......Well there wasn't much to report until the latest BS this a.m. The guy that put it on called to tell me that since last week when I went to the doctor the device has been reporting tampering and they called him. Get this he wants me to come in today to TIGHTEN!!!! it or to switch it to the other leg I said are you CRAZY!!!! It's already causing enough damage as it is and by the end of the day it swells where I can barely move it. Do you want me to get gangrene just to prove a point! Also told him my other ankle is just about finally healed and I am not playing around with my body or health just to satisfy them and a stupid judge of the court of Law. My guess is that the little sensor holes on this thing are clogged up w/dead skin,pus ICK, antibiotic cream etc. Bottom line the only place this thing is moving is OFF! Once and for all. I am not a Lab Rat to have an obviously inferior piece of **** tested on me. I do have rights as a human being and believe me the newspaper and TV news media are really sounding very tempting at the moment. Get this...I'm supposed to pay $84 buckeroos again tomorrow for a nother weeks worth of torture. This is really getting INSANE! I'll keep ya's posted...I am simply furious now...I think theres smoke coming out my ears!
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380309 tn?1246467740
Just posted 2 pic's for U's to see. Bad huh?
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243614 tn?1266197537
Oh my gosh.  Forward those to the newspaper.  I thought they were going to get you right in today or tomorrow for the judge to do his judging!   Your leg is awful.  I bet it feels worse than it looks.  Good for you for telling them enough is enough.  And now for him to suggest you have tampered with the dang thing! grrrrrrrrrr   I can see why you are furious.  It is all unreal!  Keep us posted.  Tonya
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nowhere near the Missip river..those poor folks!and yes will hold pie above head next time..such a fartbean that boy!oy vey chicken legs..that is damn NASTY!damn!idiot 2 want to titen..he hasn't seen the damage?
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380309 tn?1246467740
Yea he's seen the damage...yet he says he can not do anything w/out a court order. Just sent TJ a note about this. He says he has something to clean it with since he agrrees it is probrably clogged up, like I said to her How accomodating of him! I am really being pushed to the limit here and am about to lose my cool. Not going to play Yo-Yo ankles to satisfy all these fools who have no idea what this feels like. Like i told TJack I would love to just go down there tomorrow and when he removes it to switch legs just get up and walk out and tell them to deal with it and that I'm going to the Scripps Office down the road (newspaper) and then calling channel 12 news, But I can't cuz I have to do it their way so I don't end up in Rock Road again. Thats the name of the jail here..Nice Huh?
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so how soon can he get a court order?Rock Road....u get ice cream with it?:)
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243614 tn?1266197537
Rockie Road might not be sounding too bad about now.  How about some whipped cream and a cherry on top.   Honestly Terry.   I have never heard of anything like it.
I would go to the newspaper and set down with a reporter, or call one to come to you.
These high state mucky mucks don't like bad press.  They don't want people to know they don't know what the Hell they are doing!!  I think it would get some action and you without you bracelet.  One more reason i don't want to move to Florida, they don't know how to run the dang state.  The only thing I love down there is Walt Disney World and if they put those people in charge of the whole state it might be in better shape.  Maybe kids would quit being misplaced by their caseworkers who lie  and in actuality they hadn't seen the kid in a year.  okay, i am on a rampage now.  Better settle down.
Seek some attention from someone.  How about the Mayor?  TJ
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380309 tn?1246467740
Well girls I did finally get some better news today. The State has signed off on me having to wear the bracelet. Guess they really don't want the hassle, now the only signature is the Judges. Everyone else,PO supervisors etc.etc. is on my side. I really don't think the big man is going to be the odd man out and not go along with it. My attys secretary called me and said it is going b4 him tomorrow so it hopefully will all be settled by Friday I hope. Hopefully early enough for me to go down and have this piece of doo-doo removed. I still have to down tomorrow and see the guy who put it on and let him do whatever he has to do so it stops showing tampers. And ofcourse I must pay 4 another week! By the time this comes off it'll just about be 1 month and I think thats enough torture. If 4 some reason the Judge is stupid enough not to sign then he is really going to regret the publicity he is going to receive. But I'm gambling on things going my way and smoothly...I again claim it!!!! I'm personally praying for wens. Send a few up that way 4 me ladies.Terry
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get that damn thing off...raise H and eyebrows..if u think about ever taking another drink u certainly have this situation BURNED in2 ur memory!
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