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When i drink alcohol i ALWAYS get cold-like symptoms the next day?? Surely this can't be right?

I'm 19 years old, and i enjoy going out with my friends on the weekend having a few drinks. I really enjoy doing this but now i find that i don't want to because everytime i drink, i always wake up with cold-like symptoms the next day. I get really bad cold symptoms, runny nose, sneezing, bad sinus conjestion etc. It's really having an effect on my social life, i don't need to drink of course, but i enjoy it and i don't want to have to stop because i feel so ill the next day, i don't think this is normal and want to find out if anyones had the same effects or knows what it might be? I was leading towards thinking its an allergy or some kind maybe? Who knows, but it's putting me off going out whenever alcohol is involved! Not to mention making me lose a day afterwards! :(
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Hi I get the same reaction to alcohol I'm 32 and only been experiencing the problem the last 3 years . I've never really been a big drinker but it's not fun when you have a glass of wine with a friend or a g&t on shot summers day. Did you have any luck with trying vit D ?
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1475202 tn?1536270977
You are very welcome. Are you doing alright or did you find the answers you need? I see you are new here so Welcome to MedHelp :)

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Yeh I have had the exact same problem as you and in 18, I went Docters just now and they have me blood test so until couple days they will tell me, but the docter thinks it's lack if vitemin D
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    Alcohol is bad for your health you may have a condition that you may not can drink.  All in all I would find out.  
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Thank you, appreciate it. You're probably right anyway, it won't stop me drinking in all honesty, like next week it's my 20th and i'm gonna go out with lots of friends and i am gonna enjoy a drink, i'll just have to deal with the consequences. I'm not addicted, i'm young and i just enjoy a good time with my friends, but i do realise that it's not the only way to have fun and tbh now i'm a little older i am gonna calm down with the drinking.. well i have to really haha, can't be snotty all my life! haha.

Congratulations being sober for 2 years, and thank you for answering my question, alcohol isn't the biggest thing in my life, i can do without it, and im surrounded by lots of lovely friends and family who don't need alcohol either, but like i said i will enjoy one from time to time, but no doubt, getting ill will put me off drinking haha, but like you said, not a bad thing!

Thanks again!
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1475202 tn?1536270977
Well it is unfortunate but in a way im kinda glad for you. I mean for your health, alcoholism is a horrible disease and many people spend their entire life battling with it. In some cases as you know it even takes lives.

Your young and probably don't need to worry about things like this so maybe it's kind of a blessing for you. I spent the last 20 plus years of my life drinking-drunk but now i've been sober for nearly 2 years. Life really is much more enjoyable through sober eyes! You can still hang out with your friends and have a lot of fun too. I like making fun of the drunk guy and tricking him into acting even more dumb! ha ha Only in a harmless manner though.

Take good care of yourself and if you have to drink in order to keep these friends then maybe it's time to look for new friend that like you the way you are. Surround yourself with good people and it will make you a better person. You will get much farther in life too!

I bet you didn't know you were going to get a lecture did ya? ha ha have a great day!

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