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ANY help 4 me? Dr's are just passing me around

My back started hurting in Sept.; got to be SEVERE back/neck pain; my limbs take turn going numb; blurred vision or fainting feeling; now fever staying at 100-101; trouble filling up lungs with deep breathes; Please anybody have a clue? I have been to Dr/ family, ER, orthopedic, chiropractor, now supposed to go to neurologists. They aren't finding it, and I don't think they are caring much at all. Somethings really wrong and I can feel it; they don't know....Please help me.

6 Responses
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
It is difficult to comment without examination. However there is a possibility that it is transverse myelitis at the cervical level. It could also be due to lung infection, pneumonia, pleuritis, pulmonary embolism etc. All these cause breathing difficulties. It could also be benign intracranial hypertension, where many of the symptoms you are suffering from are seen. It could also be TIA or transient ischemic attack wherein the blood supply to brain is temporarily cut off. The episodes last for a maximum of 24 hours and then resolve or a new symptom starts. To diagnose this you need a prompt evaluation (within 60 minutes) to identify the cause and determine appropriate therapy. CAT Scans done later or when you are fine will not reveal anything. Another possibility is generalized spondylitis of the spine.

It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage. The enumerated the possibilities can be investigated or ruled out one by one by your physician. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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Thank u 4 the info....I am totally shocked at your response, but happy that you gave this response because, I spent last night at ER at a very well known, far away hospital that I would rather not give the name of at this time.  Though I was there 4 the breathing issues, it came up, so much more in depth than the info that I posted resulting in your response.  Finally, A DR. WHO CARED, I was happy and scared.  He had been an "active" neurologists at one point in his career (I don't know how that works, that is why I say active)
After, a lot of questions he told me that he really believed that I was having TIA, but this was not an "official" diagnosis. He was an excellent Dr. in my opinion, my faith in Dr.s restored!  AND THEN....the HEAD DR. of the evening, stepped in and prevented this  Dr. from completing the tests in the ER. I had never heard of TIA when I posted last comment. I find it amazing that your mention of TIA right after being told by a Dr. with sooooo much more information than you have told me the same.  The Dr. upon my release, told me he was sorry for the other Dr.'s actions and that the most important thing was that I see the neurologists ASAP.  I have an appt., I have begged them to see me sooner, they refused, So now I wait for my appt.  
I do understand that this was not an "official" diagnosis (he didn't get 2finish the tests)
I have 9 days until I see neurologists, in the mean time is there things I should look for in the way I feel to know if something is about to happen? Are there, I am going to say, pre-symptoms to TIA so that if there is an on-set I can get to the ER  ASAP?  
Please respond, I am anxious to hear your response and I thank you so much.

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What I 4got 2 mention...I was sent to ER because there was suspect of stroke after a chiropractor cracked (manipulated) my neck. The ER did do a scan of my neck and base of head. I was just wondering about 30 minutes ago, do they have to scan the entire brain/head to see evidence of stroke? Thank you
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for keeping me posted!
I am glad you are feeling better and less desperate! The warning symptoms that should make you rush to the ER and get a CT scan or MRI done within an hour of symptom are: Sudden----
• numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body that comes on and off
• confusion, trouble speaking or understanding
• trouble in vision or blurring of vision
• trouble walking, feeling dizzy, loss of balance or coordination
• very severe headache with no known cause

The short duration of these symptoms and lack of permanent brain injury is the main difference between TIA and stroke. Hence it is necessary to act quickly. If the neurologist is able to diagnose the location of the temporary block you may not need whole head scan. Otherwise yes, you will need to do whole head and maybe upper cervical spine CT scan or MRI as deemed appropriate by your neurologist.In your case with your history, upper cervical problem is more likely.

Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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Thank you for the response, this is frightening to me. One or more of these symptoms have been occurring 3 or more times a week since the SEVERE episode in December. It saddens me extremely...I saw my family dr. today and gave him the papers from the ER visit from Monday night and he handed them back to me and I said the ER dr. wanted me to give this to you to read and put in my chart. He totally disregarded what I told him and would not except the papers to put in my chart and told me to go to another Dr.
I am having a hard time that each Dr. wants me to see "the other" and then "let them know" what "the other" says.
I can't tell if they don't care, don't want me to die on their watch, or have no clue...but I know they have a clue because I had the papers from the ER dr. but family dr. wouldn't except them. I don't know how you could possibly respond to this, I would go to another state to another hospital if I thought I would get help before I am crippled, disabled, or dead.
Even the neurologists that I am supposed to see has this info and still refuses to see me sooner....If you know where a hospital is that WILL definitely treat me with "care" and sincerity please pass it along and I will go anywhere in the US. I thought about going to the Mayo Clinic before something horrible happens at my extremely young age.
Thank you
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for keeping me posted!
I am sorry, but I cannot help you much in locating a hospital as I am not from the US. I have heard about Mayo Clinic though. Maybe it will be a good idea to go there. Would it help if you rush to the ER when you have symptoms. Just check this link out, maybe this will help you: http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/tia/tia.htm

Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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