8927791 tn?1400652956

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I was working on the field. After some time i started to itching after that i have looked at my hand then i found its the allergy. I suddenly stop the working on my field and i do not know what to do next i just know that avoid the allergies substances as I have read in class 8 in my school time. In my area a medical shop is little far away. So I have decided to leave it no medicine needed situation. And now my question
This will harm me or not?
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8927791 tn?1400652956
Allergies are hypersensitive immune responses to substances that either enter or come in contact with the body, such as pet dander, pollen or bee venom. A substance that causes an allergic reaction is called an "allergen". Allergens can be found in food, drinks or the environment. And you know one thing Most allergens are harmless, so you will be safe just give it time.
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Hi, if you have developed itching and rash it could be an allergic reaction. The aim of the therapy for allergic reactions is identification and removal of trigger factor. It is the most important and the only effective long-term therapy. Since you are already aware of the triggering factors, avoid them. Local measures like ice packs and antipruritic lotions are helpful. Antihistamines block the histamine receptors and prevent histamine from acting and thus help in preventing rashes. So, if you have OTC antihistamines like benadryl, it will help with your symptoms. If your symptoms worsen consult a doctor. Regards.
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