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Alcohol related chest pain - is this an allergy?

Recently i've discovered certain alcoholic beverages trigger severe heart pain. It feels like extreme fatigue in the heart and arm muscles.  Most alcohols don't bother me. The only drinks i know of that do are smirnoff fruit twists, or seagrams fruit coolers. However not all fruit drinks react in this way. The amount i drink doesnt seem to be a factor. This has happened to me three times and the least severe were the two times i had downed about two bottles. The worst of it began after i had taken only a sip. It was so bad I thought I was having a heart attack.

  I know the best solution would be to stop drinking. And seeing as I know that is my cure, i'm more curious than concerned. Is this even an allergy?
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It is NOT GERD or hiatal hernia, or acids in fruit juice. I have suffered from this ailment for over 20 yrs and last year I had a hiatal hernia repair with a fundoplication, so I can't have reflux. I can't even vomit anymore.
My symptoms are chest pain and shoulder "heaviness". Sometimes I have had to lie down, take off my bra and raise my arms up over my head till it passes. I have found that hard liquors mixed with any fruity OR sugary mix will cause this. Sugar free mixers will not cause it. The mixers alone will not cause it, the symptoms only when they are mixed with liquor. Wine and beer do not cause it. A wine cooler will cause it if I drink it too fast.
I asked my doctor and he had no idea. I think this is something that hasn't been studied by the medical community. I am an RN and I have asked many colleagues.
Incidentally this reaction doesn't happen if I drink super slowly.
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I have the exact same thing. Please let me know if you find an answer. I have thought that maybe mine has pancreatitis? Because of the pancreas is connection to insulin and alcohol processing. Plus the pain radiates all the way around to my back and it is so severe!
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Had same problem but think alcohol has nothing to do with it.  Stopped by macdonalds today and had a lemonade smoothie with a lot of ice and very sweet.  No extra sugar , just regular.  Drink it very fast cause was thirsty.  Felt this incredible pain in my chest.  Had to get out f the car and walk around cause was scared to continue to sit in my car without doing something.  When first got out there was no change in the pain.  So was really getting scared. Then the pain started to become less as continued to walk around.  Think it was because the ice started to melt in my chest and get warmer.  Then started to look to see if anyne else had the problem.  this sounds exactly like the pain.  
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(Sorry about double post, having problems with mobile site. Have been trying to post for an hour! Had to keep trying in hopes of helping someone else.)
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YES it is an allergy, and NO it is not GERD. Beer and bourbon go down smooth but a sip of a margarita and I feel like I'm going to die. Heart racing, chest pain (like someone is squeezing your heart in their fist), shortness of breath. Thank you for everyone who has posted before for confirming I'm not alone. I'm going to talk to my doctor but I think I've traced it to an allergy to an artificial sweetener or preservative, perhaps POTASSIUM SORBATE. Stay natural everyone!  http://www.diet.com/g/artificial-preservatives
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YES it is an allergy! It is NOT GERD. I can drink bourbon and beer just fine, but a sip of a wine cooler causes intense chest pain. The last time I tried a "honey" sweetened bourbon I thought I was literally going to die. Heart raci
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I get the exact same thing. It's awful and is really ruining my nights out. And being the only sober one in a group of friends is really boring :/ I definitely find it worse the more sugary/sweet or fruity the drink is. I can't even entertain alcopops or a fruity cider type drink. It used to only happen to me after overindulging on alcohol but I now can get it on the first drink. It also causes my face to burn occasionally. I have to sit in the bathroom and wait for it to pass, usually takes around 20-40 minutes. I find drinking water helps it pass quicker if I have had too much, if it's only after a couple I just have to wait for it to go. I always feel a little nauseous with it too but am rarely actually sick. I'm not a massive fan of the taste of alcohol so don't really branch out much, sticking to cider or vodka but am going to see if a "smoother" non fruity drink helps next time I'm out. I don't think its anything major healthwise as I have suffered with it in varying degrees since I was 15, I'm now 28. If it was dangerous I'm sure it would have caused a problem by now, it's just really affecting my social life!!! I do have a social life outside of drinking, but it is nice to go out and have a few now and then
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